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Author Topic: Arsenal Make-Up (Sym-Asym, Particle-Resin, Solid-Pearl)  (Read 899 times)


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Arsenal Make-Up (Sym-Asym, Particle-Resin, Solid-Pearl)
« on: September 19, 2005, 02:29:17 AM »
After talking to D Pat yesterday (Thanks dude), we talked about ideas for my arsenal. I'm finally getting the chance to get some separation (sound familiar Rick? hehe) between my equipment. I'm looking to have about 6-7 balls for league and tournaments. Probably just bring 2-3 for league and a couple of more for tournaments. We talked about having a good mix and combination of coverstocks & cores. Here's what we came up with...

6 Properties
Particle or Resin
Asymetric or Symmetric
Solid or Pearl

*Balls in bold are balls I already have*
Balls that are not in Bold are ones that I'm thinking of adding.

Track Rule GP2 (Particle - Solid - Asymetric)
Track Rule Delta 1 (Resin - Solid - Asymetric)
Track Xception 5.0 (Particle - Pearl - Asymetric)
Track Slash (Resin - Solid - Symmetric)
Track Solution PP EX (Resin - Pearl? - Symmetric)
Track Desert Heat (Resin - Pearl - Symmetric)

Ok so if we break it down, we have this...

Particle Balls = 2 (1 is a particle pearl)
Resin Balls = 4 (PP EX looks to be a pearl, but not sure)
Asymetric Cores = 3
Symmetric Cores = 3
Solid Material Make-Up = 3
Pearl Material Make-Up = 3

So what he have here is a pretty even mix of coverstock make-ups and core combinations.

I noticed that the Top 3 balls (Heavy Oilers - Medium-Heavy) are all asymetrical. What I like about the top 3 is that the the GP2 is a Solid Particle (Grab earlier), the Delta is a Solid Resin (Grab harder on the dry) and lastly the Xception 5.0 is a Pearl Particle (Pearl make-up will grab later than the Delta).

The Bottom 3 balls serve as my benchmark (First out of the bag) and lighter/drier/broken down condition balls.
The Slash is a Solid Resin (Smooth and Even), the Solution PP EX is a Pearl? Resin (polished & gets through heads better than the Slash), and the Desert Heat is a Pearl Resin (Ideal for super light/burnt conditions).

Well, what do you guys think? Any suggestions?

Thanks guys!
Regards, Ramilla Ice
"Heck Yes!" Napoleon Dynamite

Edited on 9/19/2005 10:33 AM



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Re: Arsenal Make-Up (Sym-Asym, Particle-Resin, Solid-Pearl)
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2005, 01:23:10 PM »
What I like for myself is a different story...however, what I suggest for most of my clients is a mix of covers (particle vs resin) type of cover (solid vs pearl) and type of core (symmetric vs asymmetric). I think you have a little of everything, which is what one needs.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Arsenal Make-Up (Sym-Asym, Particle-Resin, Solid-Pearl)
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2005, 01:38:13 PM »
Ramilla Ice? ALRIGHTY THEN!!!!!! You have been hanging around with grandpappy Rick for too long

VERY Good mixture of covers and core types. You should have any condition covered that you will face.

With that said......AS LONG AS IT IS WITHIN THE BOWLER'S ABILITY I think having 2 benchmark balls is the way to go. I say this because usually a benchmark ball will be what they have out of the bag first, and usually use it on medium conditions. The Slash fits that bill nicely. HOWEVER, what if you have a good line to the pocket with the Slash, but no matter what you cannot get it to carry? Then you are stepping from the Slash to the 5.0 (which in my opinion is a much stronger ball) and you will have to change your line quite a bit.
This leaves 2 options (IF YOU BELIEVE IN THIS THEORY)----and this is what I would do: 1- Drill a Solution PP because it is similiar to the Slash but will give a slightly different move to the pocket or 2- Drill up a Xception because it will allow you to play ROUGHLY the same area as the Slash, but will generate a different angle into the pocket.

This is only my opinion, some will disagree, some will agree....and some will wonder WTH I am talking about, but it works.

C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

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<b><i>TAG TEAM COACHING!!!!!!</i></b>/


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Re: Arsenal Make-Up (Sym-Asym, Particle-Resin, Solid-Pearl)
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2005, 01:44:11 PM »
Carl, you must've read my mind, because after I PM'd you, I noticed that you answered this post hehe. Thanks man.

I was dubbed Ramilla Ice by one of my good buddies the other day. We were just reminiscing about the 90's and he said, I should call you "RAMILla Ice." Hehe.

Thanks for the opinion on the X5.0 and Solution. I was looking for something to go under the Delta and above the Slash. I figured a Particle Pearl like the 5.0 might give me a great look. Original Xception over the Slash...sounds interesting...

Thanks again man and Welcome Back!
Regards, M.C. Rammer
"Heck Yes!" Napoleon Dynamite