Just wanting to get some random thoughts from everybody to see what they think about this ball. What I'm really wondering is if it will be a good replacement for the Arsenal Aggressive Particle. I was told by the guy on the Track staff here in town it could cover the same amount of boards and is actually more versatile than the aggressive. I have already purchased one and it should be here by next week. We did some tweaking with the coverstock on the Aggressive; we put some polish on it and the lanes I bowl at, it just went straight 60 ft. We took the polish off of it and sanded to 1200. Now the ball is too inconsistent. My questions are the following:
1. Why is it, in my situation, tweaking coverstocks become so critical for me?
(e.g. Polishing it causes it to not come back at all, Sanding it just basically kills it for me)
2. Will the Arsenal Reactive cover just as many boards or a few less than the Aggressive?
Have a great week and God Bless!
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