i recently bought a friend this ball for his birthday.
i purchased it from the local proshop guy that i've been going to for over the past 10+ years. Over the years combined thru my purchasing and my referal to friends, we've bought in access of 20+ balls from the guy.
i've always wondered if the is giving me a break on price, or even a good price. so this is the so called "deal" that he gave me $180 out the door (tax, drill, finger grip, thumb plug, and X-hole)
so i ask the question, is this a good price, bad price?
if i may, for people that have this ball, what did you get it for, just for comparison reasons.
thanks in advance and your time
all responses are greatly appreaciated =)
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Intense Inferno
Reaction Roll
Rock On
Fuse Detonator
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