Finally got back with Del Warren today after missing each other over the weekend, and he gave me a layout to use. Specs: pin 4 inches from PAP, MB 4.75 inches from PAP, pin drilled 2.5 inches above the midline. I ended up with the pin actually in the ring finger (we drilled it out) and the mass bias a couple of inches away from my thumb at about 4 o'clock. CG is under the ring.
I'm going to hold off on posting a full review, because the condition I had to test it on was a day-old leftover of PBA Regional Pattern 4 with fresh, short head oil (the house doesn't do a full strip and lay the night's league shot until the afternoon). So I had THC for the first 34 feet or so, then 10 feet of 2-to-1, then carrydown. What fun.
Anyway, if this ball acts on my PBA shot league or a THC like it acted today, I'll be very happy. I got this ball for heavy oil, obviously, and after about six pitches I'd grooved through what was left of Regional 4 and the ball started burning up. I ended up between the fourth and fifth arrow to find oil, which is a line I NEVER play. Like the original Machine, it just hits forever.
My next opportunity to use it will be Aug. 8 on fresh PBA Regional 4. I'll do a full review after that, but I can already tell I'm going to be happy with it. Thanks to Track and Del for the ball and the drill suggestion.