Why do you say that?
Please share what evidence you have found/learned.
Given Track has no other current production ball for the amount of heavy oil that the GP2 can handle, with an asymmetric core, I cannot see them stopping the production of it. Edited: It does look like the new Robo Rule is particle and has slightly higher hook numbers than the GP2; so it seems possible, but the GP2 is still on the Track website.
By Track's own admission, the Robo Rule is a "Light Load Version of GP2 Particle". So while it may hook more than the GP2, it may not handle as much oil. How much it handles will be seen by people's experience and testing.
Bowling: Wish I could help me as much as I seem to help others ...
Life ... is what you make of it. No, really!
Edited on 11/19/2005 5:49 PM