Okay, let's try this again...
Sorry again Aris, Ex knows me very well and I am referring to the mb on the second measurement. I also apologize about my figures, I was using mine as an example and then went off that as well for a different look on the Untamed.
If your track is lower(I won't know numbers), the look I'm basically trying to relate for the Rule is to place the pin next to or under ring area and (yes)keep the mb in a stronger position as it was strong arc/snap that you desired originally, not early or late roll. Then take the Untamed and place the pin out over the ring area and keep the mb in the same strong position but polish this ball as well. This should give it better length with the longer pin and and the mb placement should obtain the backend that you're looking for.
It's difficult to say how far above midline the pins should be placed without knowing your span. That's another way of describing where the pin can go. Hope this explains things but if I blew it again, pls just let me know...
Thanks Ex..exactly why I wanted you on board with me..help cover for me when my brain's on vacation
