Hey Stormer,
The Crunch and CT to me are the other way around. Drill the CT for med-hvy and the Crunch for med-lite based on your game. Check out the reviews on Porkchops posting of the CrunchTime. Chapman and I are in agreement with how strong this ball really is.
With that said, you can drill the CT(med-hvy) with a pin next to ring kick cg out to the right some. About a 10:30 to 11:00 angle should be fine. This will help it stand up in the midlane and continue to the pocket with a very strong arc.
Try the Crunch with the pin above fingers near or touching midline of grip and kick cg very slightly out to about an 11:00 to 11:30 look so it's not stacked like your Threat. This will allow the ball to go longer but have more finish then the Threat and should be less then the Darkside by nature.
I honestly feel though that you should contact Anthony Chapman regarding this if he doesn't post a suggestion because I feel the two of you have a much more similar game in which I feel his opinion and expertise can give more insight.
Hope this info helps...feel free to also contact me directly if you have any questions, thanks.
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
Track Pro Shop Staff
Vise Grip Staff