I won the ball a day for the 10th...Now that I'm done doing my little happy dance, I need some suggestions on which ball to pick. I'm not really happy with my "arsenal", see my profile. I've found that I use the Xcel most of the time at my house because the sheer doesn't quite have enough bite. The heat is a little stronger than I thought. There is a lot of overlap, I know. I apologize for my ignorance in drillings, and my specs, I will try to get some pictures up of how they are laid out (excuse the condition of the tips, I've been trying to find a decent driller to check the spans) I normally throw about 16.5 mph (quibica), stand left foot on 18.5 board, and play a tiny swing from 10 to 8. Please offer suggestions and any questions. I'm thinking maybe a mean machine for heavier than the xcel, or maybe a desert heat for light. Thanks in advance
Wilmington, DE