Ok- after my 9th coaching session in Malden today my coach and I got to thinking about what I have for balls in my arsenal and layouts. He believes that I'm missing two key balls for now- one in the heavy oil range and one in the medium oil range. The one with heavy oil he thinks should be a layout of 45 degrees to my PAP, and place the CG and MB at a 10 o'clock stacked leverage. He also thinks the pin should be 4"-5". He believes with this drilling a weighthole may be necessary.
The medium oil ball he thinks should have a set up with the pin at 45 degrees from the PAP, with the CG in the palm of my ball, hopefully setting up an arcing type nature to the ball (not to aggressive, not too weak). He believes that this would be a great ball when carrydown comes into play.
So- I'm thinking along the lines of a GP2 for that heavier oiler with this layout and he had a suggestion for a Track Havoc as far as the medium ball (or do you think there'e another medium ball that will work from Track outside of the Havoc?). What does everyone think of this and do you believe these layouts will work fine for the looks I'm trying to achieve? Most of my stats are in my profile that I know....thanks for all the help and support.