In the last thread I had a few requests to get some pictures up of the cover of this magazine with Rick and Carl on it plus any inside the article I could get as well...thankfully, Putfile finally took me to my organization of pictures and media without problems today...links are below...I couldn't scan the articles but I did take pictures of both Rick and Carl...for any of you that have talked with them in PMs or over the phone personally...everyone knows what a class act these two are...I owe them a tremendous amount of thanks for the help they have given me when I made the transistion of working for the bowling center over to the pro shop! God Bless You All and have a great week!
Pictures of Rick and Carl inside Pro Shop Insider Fall Issue:
http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=6674821 - This is the Cover of the Fall Issue!
http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=6674822 - This is a picture I'm assuming of them at Bowl Expo this past June (if I'm incorrect, then one of them can tell me where they took the pic from!)
--Michael Price--
-McCorvey's Pro Shop Staff-
-"The Complete Bowler's Pro Shop!"-
http://www.mccorveysproshop.com/http://--TAG TEAM COACHING--
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Evolution Tag Team Member # 1