If you bowl on heavier oils with dull balls, I can see using them after each ball use. I don't; so I tend to use less powerful cleaners as a daily cleaner and use C&D once every 3 -5 weeks or so or when re-surfacing.
As for differences between C&D and C&T, use them interchangeably until you can't get any more Clean and Dull. Unless Track can put you in touch with the chemist who developed them, or you are consumed with curiosity.

, just use them as you desire.
A Track "professional", whom I trust implicitly, told me that too many people were concerned or question the Clean and Dull name; thus the reason for the existence of C&T. That's good enough for me.
I am not a Track fanatic; I am just a Track fan.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
(That includes me too, at times!