hector: I can't wait....2 more weeks till fun and sun! The Desert Heat will be with me as well as another Heat and X5.0. Still trying to work out the other balls since I'm only bringing 5. Hopefully you guys haven't burned them up by the time we bowl

bighook69: sorry, these were just the vids that I took last night that I wasn't able to post. As soon as I can get hold of a better camera, I'll post an Aggressive video for comparison.
AUS: I'm not a big fan of flare, especially in the early parts of the lane. Just too early and harder to control for the types of conditions I see. So that layout gives me good length with flare in the middle to end. It's hard to tell in the Blue Heat video, but the tape on the axis is very stable the first 15-20ft before really migrating.
Anthony Chapman
Track International Staff
Turbo Grips 2-N-1 Staff
Edited on 6/14/2005 9:51 PM