I was bowling our monthly skins tournament at the house I work for and although I didn't take any money home, I felt better about myself after what happened during the tournament taking place. Back in early October I took over head coaching duties for my house's Youth program. We started off with 6 teams and have grown to 10 teams over the Christmas break, which I believe is spectacular. Some of the kids I coach came down on Sunday to practice and seen me bowling. What was really cool, despite not winning any money I had all those kids come up to me afterwards and say "Coach Mike" (yeah I know, it sounds corny, but hey...its cool to me), "You know what makes you so good?" and I responded back by asking, "What?" the kids replied, "We have been watching everybody bowling in this tournament against you and every time they go up there and leave any amount of pins, they start cussing and kicking the ball return and punching the chairs...yet, you throw a bad shot and you are calm as ever!"
I have to say honestly, that one comment made my day, and it meant more to me than winning any amount of money in the world. I have to say, my new found faith in the Lord is working wonderfully in my life. I just wanted to share that story with you because it made me feel great to know that those kids appreciate what kind of character you are! God Bless you all and have a great week!
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