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Author Topic: BR Track Tourney - averages/results  (Read 5456 times)


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BR Track Tourney - averages/results
« on: November 01, 2004, 04:01:58 AM »
Almost 2 weeks into the first month now, leaderboard seems to be shaping up quite nicely!  Only three people under average for the first two weeks (and of course i'm one of them!)  That's a good showing for Track if I may say so myself.

+354 - Aristotle - 201 (Monday) (Animal Untamed)
+197 - aharvey - 197 (Sunday) (Animal)
+197 - Traumabill - 191 - (Wednesday) (Rule, Animal)
+191 - EXCALIBER - 209 (Saturday) (Freak-A-Zoid, Xception)
+185 - Storm Track - 170 (Wednesday) (Phenom Unleashed)
+163 - PNJ1967 - 191 (Thursday) (Rule, Animal Untamed)
+131 - psaunders300 - 219 (Tuesday) (Animal Untamed, Mutant, Freak Out)
+81 - Vasilis3690 - 175 (Wednesday) (Animal Untamed, Money)
+79 - not_enuff_carry203 - 215 (Saturday) (Slash, Rule, Exception, Crunch Time, Dry Heat, Boxing Glove)
+71 - the great one - 215 (Wednesday)
+68 - Ernie McCracken - 217
+62 - achappy - 230 (Thursday) (Rule, Xception)
+50 - VT_Turkey - 183 (Monday) (Animal, Animal Untamed)
+47 - TJFreaky24 - 169 (Saturday)
+44 - WIX - 146 (Rule and Sheer Havoc)
+40 - MC - 192 (Tuesday) (Rule)
+38 - OG1 - 235 (Tuesday)
+17 - Icetink - 179 (---) (Phenom, Rule)
+17 - OmegaBowler - 196 (Monday) (Freak Out)
+7 - dw23 - 222 (Monday) (Animal Untamed)
+6 - Mitch Cumsteen - 206 (Wednesday) (Freak, Heat 2)
(-51) - tenpinspro - 213 (Wednesday) (Exception)
(-60) - Rock77 - 194 (Thursday) (Animal Untamed, Animal)
(-101) - ClutchClay - 198 (Thursday) (Threat, Dry Heat)
(-249) - Lane Bed - 215 (Thursday) (Rule, Xception, Phenom Unleashed)

johns811 - 212 (Tuesday)
bigfish - 173 (Thursday)
bowler257628 - 179 (W/D)
(DQ for using a non-Track ball) - loose5682 - 208 (Thursday) (Phenom Unleashed, EMB XF)

srlunatic - 182

Roy Munson
pbafire - on leave of absence until December

Andrew Loose
"King of Them All"
"Evolutionary. Revolutionary."

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Just because you can, doesn't mean you should



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Re: BR Track Tourney - averages/results
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2004, 02:18:22 AM »
Missed week #3, out sick....really sick...

Week 1 - Avg 213 = 639; Shoot 696 - Pins Over Avg +57 (that's it?)hahaha
Week 2 - Avg 215 = 645; Shoot 528 - Pins Over Avg -117
Week 3 - Avg --- = ---; Shoot sick - Pins Over Avg 0
Week 4 - Avg --- = ---; Shoot ??? - Pins Over Avg  

Total = -60 after 3 weeks


Edited on 11/23/2004 6:31 AM
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
Co-Founder - Tag Team Coaching
"El" Presidente of the Legion

Mitch Cumsteen

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Re: BR Track Tourney - averages/results
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2004, 06:11:26 AM »
Week 1 avg 206=618 shoot 200-216-192=608 (-10) (freak)
week 2 avg 206=618 shoot 224-208-200=632 (+14) (freak)
week 3 avg 206=618 shoot 207-189-224=620 (+2) (heat 2 & freak)
week 4 avg 206=618 shoot 155-163-162=480 (-138) (heat 2, freak, enforcer)
   god i suck        
total (-132)

I Hear Voices...............They Don't Like You

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Re: BR Track Tourney - averages/results
« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2004, 10:15:00 PM »
Week 1 = 228 avg.  251, 227, 193 = 671 (-13)

Made a bad move he last game as they got really wet/dry.  Switched off the Xception and should have switched off to another Rule.
Anthony Chapman


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Re: BR Track Tourney - averages/results
« Reply #19 on: November 04, 2004, 11:33:51 PM »
Bowling on Thursday nights:
Week 1 - Avg 202/606; Shoot 518 - Pins Over Avg -88 - Threat
Week 2 - Avg 198/594; Shoot 574 - Pins Over Avg -20 - Threat, Dry Heat
Week 3 - Avg 198/594; Shoot 587 - Pins Over Avg -07 - Threat
Week 4 - Avg BYE/BYE; Shoot BYE - Pins Over Avg -00 - BYE
Final Total = -115
Regards, ClutchClay
Ball review spreadsheet available at

Edited on 11/19/2004 1:07 AM


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Re: BR Track Tourney - averages/results
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2004, 10:36:33 PM »
Week 1 - Avg 146 = 438; Shoot 482 - Pins Over Avg +44 (Rule and Sheer Havoc)
Week 2 - Avg 148 = 444; Shoot 441 - Pins Over Avg -3  (Rule and Sheer Havoc)
Week 3 - Avg 149 = 447; Shoot 461 - Pins Over Avg +14 (Rule and Sheer Havoc)
Week 4 - Avg --- = ---; Shoot ??? - Pins Over Avg


Edited on 11/13/2004 10:20 AM

Edited on 11/21/2004 9:47 AM


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Re: BR Track Tourney - averages/results
« Reply #21 on: November 06, 2004, 09:23:58 AM »
Im sorry guys, I have to withdraw... I didnt use a track ball today, my voodoo is just dead, havent gotten my Freak A zoid drilled up yet, sorry guys for the inconvience..
"Evolutionary. Revolutionary."


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Re: BR Track Tourney - averages/results
« Reply #22 on: November 06, 2004, 09:24:09 AM »
I had a lousey month and still came out in the posative. I look forward to next month

Week 1 - Avg 169 = 507; Shoot 549 - Pins Over Avg +42 (Freak & Hex Plosion)
Week 2 - Avg 170 = 510; Shoot 489 - Pins Over Avg -21 (Freak & Hexplosion)
Week 3 - Avg 170 = 510; Shoot 542 - Pins Over Avg +32 (Freak & Hexplosion)
Week 4 - Avg 171 = 513; Shoot 495 - Pins Over Avg -18 (Same as always)

Total = +35

I am the best kept secret....  

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Re: BR Track Tourney - averages/results
« Reply #23 on: November 06, 2004, 09:29:03 AM »
I went +122
"Evolutionary. Revolutionary."


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Re: BR Track Tourney - averages/results
« Reply #24 on: November 06, 2004, 07:38:25 PM »
Week 1 - Avg 179 = 537; Shoot 554 - Pins Over Avg +17 (Phenom and Rule)
Week 2 - Avg 177 = 531; Shoot 555 - Pins Over Avg +24 (Rule)
Week 3 - Avg --- = ---; Shoot ??? - Pins Over Avg
Week 4 - Avg --- = ---; Shoot ??? - Pins Over Avg


Week 1:Bowled on Thursday night.  I regularly bowl on Saturday mornings, however, I had a doubles tournament to go to that day so I "bowled off" for Saturday on Thursday.  

The lane conditions were terrible that day.  The heads were burned and the backends were bone dry outside and there was so much carrydown inside.  Started off well with only one open in the first game to finish off with 205.  Next game I had two splits (one after the other in I think the sixth or seventh frame) in a row.  Second game was a 181.  After two splits, I switched to my Rule in hopes of it going further down the lane without losing as much energy as the Phenom was.  The ball absolutely took off on the dry but it hit weak because it had also lost quite a bit of energy.  I lost concentration and didn't really care anymore so I ended off with 168.

Week2 2:  About the average....I don't understand why it went dwon from 179 even though I bowled over my average last week.  My league is so messed up an incompetent. Anywyas, First game was 192.  Second game was 214.  Third game...I didn't feel like trying anymore because my teammates are horrible and they just screw around.  Then I realized I only had 81 in the seventh I pulled it together and did the best I could.  I finished with a 149.

-Dino Sia

Edited on 11/13/2004 12:57 PM

Lane Bed

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Re: BR Track Tourney - averages/results
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2004, 01:13:28 PM »
Lanebed's Scores for Thursday

Week 1 - Ave 220 = 660; Shoot 593 - Pins Over Avg (-67)
Week 2 - Avg 215 = 645; Shoot 482 - Pins Over Avg (-163)
Week 3 - Avg 209 = 627; Shoot 626 - Pins Over Avg (-1)
Week 4 - Avg --- = ---; Shoot ??? - Pins Over Avg

Total = (-163)

Recap: Having a bad week. The Saturday (before) I bowled in a tournament and someone lifted my Freak-A-Zoid. How low is that. Bowling on the biggest wall I have ever seen and can't score. 3 weeks without a 600 while dozens of scores in 750's. Tried moving into the center of the lane with a 1000 sanded Rule and spinning the ball. Right of 12 is toasted, there is just no getting the ball down the lane without playing big yank. There is not even head oil on the right. Not sure what to do, got an X-ception coming this week. Got any ideas Tenpinspro, first time in years I have no clue. Beating up the tough houses look like a chump on the wall.

Week #2
Just having a bad time of it on a huge messed up wall. Used X-ception 1st two games. Spotty right of 12 with no read. Everything is inside tug the wall around 17. Switched to the Unleashed for the last game to no avail cause by then the middles were covered with carrydown. Lowest score I've shot in years. Used the Xception Tuesday on the tough (deliberately)house pattern and shot 743 with it. Lost on the wall ... looking for clues. Hey tenpinspro, what's last spot lookin to pay, probably have an old Storm towel coming or an MT bottle of Dull n Shine.

Week #3
House pattern even worse than last 2 weeks. The drier is now in further towards the middle, with the flood spotty. Tried something new. Sanded my Rule down to "400". Got to the left side of the lane and put my finger(one next to thumb) directly under the ball. At the release point I rotated my hand around the ball but, keeping the finger still pointing down. Had a tough first 5 frames with 3 opens, not a real comfortable release. Started increasing the length of my last step and staying a little lower and the lanes started to open up whereas, the more spin I got on the ball more, the better the length. Think I got something to work with here. Dropped my average 21 pins in 4 weeks so I was getting pretty desperate.


EvEryOnE rOlls OvEr thE lanEbEd

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Re: BR Track Tourney - averages/results
« Reply #26 on: November 07, 2004, 07:25:11 PM »
avg 235
g1 269
g2 245
g3 229

Did they run the oil machine?  Was there any oil in it.....


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Re: BR Track Tourney - averages/results
« Reply #27 on: November 10, 2004, 03:36:07 PM »
Storm/Track, 169(sport) is your highest avg bud?  

Yes this is my sport league average. I had to use it instead of my THS ave because the only Track I have is my Unleashed and I can't use it in my THS league unless I move way left which is out of my comfort zone and I lose carry playing that deep.
formerly : Stormin1

If you get caught in the Storm Track beware it could be a Typhon or Monsoon with Rolling Thunder and Lightning Flashes that when Unleashed may send splintered Wood flying everywhere.


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Re: BR Track Tourney - averages/results
« Reply #28 on: November 11, 2004, 10:15:56 AM »
Week 1 - Avg 192 = 576; Shoot 632 - Pins Over Avg +56
Week 2 - Avg 194 = 582; Shoot 723 - Pins Over Avg +141
Week 3 - Avg --- = ---; Shoot ??? - Pins Over Avg
Week 4 - Avg --- = ---; Shoot ??? - Pins Over Avg

Popped one.  Career highs for single (265 with an open) and series.  All with a Rule!

Had 5 holes (3 splits, Greek Church (2nd game), and one whiffed 10 pin, should have been 750+...

Bowling Services Unlimited


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Re: BR Track Tourney - averages/results
« Reply #29 on: November 13, 2004, 06:13:27 PM »
Using a Phenom Unleashed for all games, only Track ball I have for now.

Week 1 - Avg 168 = 504; Shot 159, 211, 169 / 539 -  +35
Week 2 - Avg 169 = 507; Shot 169, 163, 201 / 533 -  +26
Week 3 - Avg 170 = 510; Shot 229, 188, 217 / 634 - +124
Week 4 - Avg 174 = 522; Shot ***, ***, *** / *** -
Running total                                      +185

formerly : Stormin1

If you get caught in the Storm Track beware it could be a Typhoon or Monsoon with Rolling Thunder and Lightning Flashes that when Unleashed may send splintered Wood flying everywhere.

My Web Page

Edited on 11/18/2004 0:46 AM


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Re: BR Track Tourney - averages/results
« Reply #30 on: November 16, 2004, 07:46:30 AM »
Hey LaneBed,

I'm sorry, I didn't see your note earlier.  I know your predicament and feel your pain, trust me.  I've been working on this for about a year now and it's still needs a lot of work but here's my theory.

The O/U or blk/wht shots are so tough because of a couple of things.  I see it apply more to the true tweener (med speed, good revs), actually it affects the guys who can hook the ball a fair amount.  The (carrying) breakpoint becomes so far downlane that we're not used to playing it that way.  I also believe that the "older" players who never did hook it gutter to gutter or at 50 feet (plastic/urethane, didn't really let us), have more trouble with the visual and the physical aspect of playing that line.  Our natural body positioning at the line doesn't allow us to be that open, we didn't learn to bowl that way.  I'm saying this because I watched a lot of the younger bowlers these days just rifle it to 5 board at 50ft with no fear and their shoulders at the line are wide open naturally cause that's how they've learned to bowl.

The O/U shot also does not play like a normal shot, meaning we cannot make parallel moves.  If we try and ride the line, we'll leave corners, we can't move right on this or it'll just jump cause that next board is bone dry.  It actually plays opposite of what we know, move left but leave the target right or even move the target right as well as moving left.  This is my experience of what is out there so I've been working on standing left and (feel like) I'm just flinging it right.  We still have to hit the dry but we have to hit it at 47+ feet because the equipment we tend to try and throw will just make u-turns on this.  

A couple of different ways though still to try and conquer this. One is to take your dullest ball and try and play the oil line or take your hardest ball (and I mean urethane/plastic) to go up the dry if you can't get used to the "flinger" approach and style.  This is about the best I can say, I've been trying to learn the flinger style cause I'm no longer as accurate so I need to have the room too.  Hope this helps in some way, get hold of me and we can brainstorm a little to see if we can come up with a pattern for you as well as a ball choice.

Sorry for the length but I felt this was worth sharing...
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
Track Intl. - Amateur/Pro Shop Staff  
Vise Inserts Staff

Edited on 11/16/2004 8:49 AM
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
Co-Founder - Tag Team Coaching
"El" Presidente of the Legion