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Author Topic: Heat Remake Cracked  (Read 1145 times)


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Heat Remake Cracked
« on: November 07, 2006, 10:46:00 PM »
Much to my dismay, I pulled my Heat Remake out of my locker at the bowling alley to find that there was a crack starting at the weight hole and then radiating all the way around the backside of the ball. I can't figure out what would cause this. I am also very disappointed that this happened. I have had the ball for a little more than a year and have put no more than 15 games on it.

I was analyzing the crack last night with a friend of mine and it is only the cover that cracked. If you look inside the weight hole, the crack is only cover deep. It didn't go down as far as the filler. So, can anyone tell me why this happened. I know it's not extreme temperature changed because the lockers are inside and it is always comfortable inside the bowling alley. My locker never gets cold. Is this a defective ball or something?

I'm real concerned cause this is the third Track ball that has cracked in the last year for me.

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Re: Heat Remake Cracked
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2006, 08:20:28 AM »
No input at all?!?

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Re: Heat Remake Cracked
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2006, 08:24:44 AM »
But are you sure the temperatures are constant even when the bowling alley is closed?  Does the locker share an outside wall?  I've only had one ball crack, and that ball sat on my back porch (completely enclosed, not your typical "porch") but it sat against an outside wall and I'm almost positive those temp changes are what caused the cracking.  I have a Heat remake, has a fair amount of games on it, haven't had any cracking issues.
What are you gonna do?  Beat me with your Jesus stick?


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Re: Heat Remake Cracked
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2006, 10:30:01 AM »
The locker does share an outside wall, but I am sure that the temps are constant. I have gone into that locker at all hours of the day and night. Even before the center has opened and have never really experienced any kind of "coldness" in the locker or center.


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Re: Heat Remake Cracked
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2006, 03:32:49 PM »
This is excellent info. I keep my equipment inside the house all the time, after years keeping balls in my trunk when I was younger. Have had several crack recently including 2 GREAT balls for me, original Apex and Predator Pursuit. Have been really bummed about it, couldn't figure out why.  I have a funky shaped contemporary house and after this post I analyzed and realized both balls were against a different outside wall for several months. Live and learn. Thanks.


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Re: Heat Remake Cracked
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2006, 03:36:16 PM »
Really?!? I've kept my equipment in that locker for years and never had any issues. Why do you think it is all of a sudden?

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Re: Heat Remake Cracked
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2006, 04:28:40 PM »
Really?!? I've kept my equipment in that locker for years and never had any issues. Why do you think it is all of a sudden?

"The Revolution" has begun!!!

For the same reason that I have about 8 balls against the wall in my parents house and only one of them cracked.
What are you gonna do?  Beat me with your Jesus stick?


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Re: Heat Remake Cracked
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2006, 05:46:00 PM »
Really?!? I've kept my equipment in that locker for years and never had any issues. Why do you think it is all of a sudden?

"The Revolution" has begun!!!

For the same reason that I have about 8 balls against the wall in my parents house and only one of them cracked.
What are you gonna do?  Beat me with your Jesus stick?

Oh, luck of the draw, right?!?

"The Revolution" has begun!!!