I have had a bad experience with my Animal Untamed and I wanted to warn anyone out there with a similar experience that Track will not replace a defective ball if it has been plugged. I bought an Animal Untamed last June in Reno at the ABC tourney and after a few months of use it developed cracks around the finger holes. Because I did not have the vendor's contact info, I went to my local pro shop to see if anything could be done. They recommended trying to remove the cracked part of the ball, fill and redrill the ball. But after a few weeks of use the cracks developed once again. I took the ball back to the local pro shop they tried once again to fix the cracks, but after the fix, the cracks came back. I had pretty much given up until recently when I contacted Track directly about the problem. The customer support person responded to me as follows:
"We have a one year warranty on our bowling balls, however, the warranty on the box clearly states that a plugged ball voids the warranty."
My response was that I never saw the box and therefore never saw the warranty, but this did not make a difference to Track (I even requested that the problem be escalated to the customer support manager to no avail).
So the lesson learned is that if you have a defective ball, contact Track before doing anything to it!
After years of loyalty to Track, this has been a frustrating experience for me -- to the point where I have decided to move on and look else where for my equipment needs...