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Author Topic: Temper Review  (Read 1002 times)

Mark T. Trgovac

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Temper Review
« on: October 08, 2007, 09:02:22 PM »
Layout - PIN 4 9/16" underbridge - MB 6 1/2" ( all from PAP)

Surface - Box

The reaction this ball is very roll specific. If you stay behind this ball it will be smooth and have a great strong arc. If you get around this ball it will skid and then at the first sign of friction a hard left turn is made. I love this ball because of the overall reactions you can get out of this ball.
Rateng 10

This ball is a great benchmark ball for almost everyone. If you get around the ball more I say take the polish off and give it a smooth finish. Doing this will help take away from the hard snap. I feel that right now in my arsenal this ball is the benchmark ball I have been looking for.
Rating 10

I think that this ball is a big time sleeper. I have a feeling that when sanded to a lower grit this ball can handle its fair share amount of oil. I dont think that is was at all ment for it but the versatility of this ball is completly amazing.
Rating 10

This ball flat out hits. Most balls on the market today hit. However not everyball gives the ideal strong hit that keeps the pins low and lets you carry. Out of the 6 games I have bowled with this ball. When I have been in the pocket at all (High, High Flush, Flush, Light, Wall) I have only left 2 ten pins. That happen tonight however the hit of this ball is so strong and ideal. I give it the on comment I can think of that will tell how well it hits. This ball hits as well as the Animal. If you guys liked the hit from the Animal get this ball.
Rating 10

Overall comments
I completly love this ball. I want another one but drilled stronger and without the polish. I find this ball to be a great ball. I do however think to many people are going to pass on this ball. I say dont wait, this ball is the sleeper of the year.
Rating 10

Overall rating
10 for reaction
10 for readabilty
10 for versatilitay
10 for hit
10 for overall comments
Final rating - 10

Review is based of of THS performance.
Mark "scoot" Trgovac
C-G Pro Shop
Offical "Spokesman"
Youngstown, Ohio

Finishing THS book ave: 200
Finishing PBA Experence ave: 176
Finishing Composit ave: 194


Tag Team Coaching Success Story.
Mark T. "Scoot" Trgovac
Track Staffer
Bowling Ball Driller



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Re: Temper Review
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2007, 05:53:40 AM »
No offense, and I know you know something about bowling...but it's incredibly hard to take a review seriously when you find nothing wrong with a ball. All 10s???

Unless you are willing to point out the fact that any ball has obvious strengths AND weaknesses, no matter the ball, company, etc., I would hereby like to give a short review in the same vein as Scoot's:

Columbia Blue Dot -

Good length, hits well and carries well, just like any ball should when I make good shots.

Reaction: Can you say consistent??? This thing is SOOO versatile and SOOO smooth, it's ridiculous. I can strike, I can spare, WOW! - 10

Readability: Lets me know where I can play, it hasn't given me a false read yet. - 10

Versatility - like I said above, super versatile on any condition. - 10

Hit - When I hit the pocket with the proper and necessary entry angle and rev rate/speed/rotation/tilt combo, it carries 100% of the time, no questions asked. - 10

Overall Comments - This thing is in my bag for good. - 10

In any case, I think you get my point. How useful is a review in which nothing is a problem? I mean no harm to Track, Scoot, or the Temper (I'm sure it's a great ball, and it sounds like a nice smooth-heavy-rolling piece)...but...any ball is "awesome" when you make good shots and you read the lanes properly.

Edited on 10/9/2007 5:54 AM


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Re: Temper Review
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2007, 08:44:35 AM »
An unbiased review here. LOL.

How does it compare to the kinetic? How much oil can it handle?

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Re: Temper Review
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2007, 10:02:42 AM »
Duke Harding


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Re: Temper Review
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2007, 11:07:03 AM »
Duke Harding


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Mark T. Trgovac

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Re: Temper Review
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2007, 01:43:09 AM »
The fact is that with a fresh THS, and you dont want to play the big loop this ball is the ball. I am in no way only going to push track stuff. I like track equipment but if you read my reviews you will get what I think of a ball at a point in time. When I sand this ball down and try it on a heavier oiled shot I will post another review with the surface changed and I wont pull punches. I dont care what the company is. The fact was I was upset about one thing when it came to this ball. If you looked I drilled it completly the same as my EPIC SAGA is. The saga is still weaker then the temper. I wanted the temper to have about the same reaction. The saga is still a good 5 feet later, and way cleaner through the heads and early mids. So to help you guys feel better about my review.

Layout Happiness
Rating 8
Final rating is still a 10 because I still like how this ball is working.
Mark "scoot" Trgovac
C-G Pro Shop
Offical "Spokesman"
Youngstown, Ohio

Finishing THS book ave: 200
Finishing PBA Experence ave: 176
Finishing Composit ave: 194


Tag Team Coaching Success Story.
Mark T. "Scoot" Trgovac
Track Staffer
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Re: Temper Review
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2007, 06:29:12 AM »
Scoot, Good review.
Enjoy the people on the forum. Like to help when I can.

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Re: Temper Review
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2007, 07:28:50 PM »
duke to bad your tempers a lefty
drill or i'd be all over it-love
the versatility built into this

I wish it was 14 lbs...I'd keep it.

I just bought a 14# NIB Kinetic.

Had to drop a pound in weight.
Duke Harding