There are a number of ways to help you rejuvenate the ball:
1. You can sand it, thus increasing the surface and causing more grab. This is generally a very temporary solution.
2. You can have the oil leached from it. There is considerable concern for the safety of the practice, but I have had at least one ball leached and it helped for a while.
3. Ebonite has come out with a product called "Hook Again" which is an immersion process by which 99% of a ball's hooking ability can be restored. I currently have my MoRich Minotaur in Hook Again. I'll know better tonight how well it worked.
4. You can follow up any of the above treatments with Doc's Elixir. Though I've never used in myself, there are plenty of advocates on the board here that will probably be glad to speak up in favor of the product and its efficacy.
If you wonder if you're good enough, then you're not good enough.