I'm newbie who just recently (this summer) started to bowl again. I'm finally learning how to hook the ball and carry a phenom unleashed and gp2. I was wondering if any of you might have some input for me regarding a few things:
1. Is it common to have mental blocks when switching or learning a new ball? I just recently got my gp2 and in the past two weeks, I've lofted the ball 8 ft. in the air about three seperate times. I can't seem to figure out if its a mental thing or a technique thing. The ball is drilled the same (thanks to tenpinspro), but I just can't seem to get it out the same as I do w/ my unleashed.
2. I think I've finally gotten comfortable w/ my release yesterday, but this morning, I woke up feeling like I somehow strained my wrist. Should I be concerned with this? I know, heard from people, that you're supposed to relax and almost have a "break" of the wrist right before you release the ball.. since I've never felt this "straining", could it be becuase of this technique and its a result of me just not use to bowling this way?
Any input would greatly be appreciated.
~ nomad825