what someone calls a good ball is something that works for them and their standards. well let me tell you, it is impossible to find a ball that will work out for everyone's standards because you have to take in all the factors, and believe me there are a lot of factor. just the ones I can think off of the top of my head are: ball speed, rev rate, axis tilt, oil pattern or condition, lane preperation, stroker, power stroker, cranker, tweener, full rollers, drill pattern, ball surface, lofting, swinging the ball, playing straight up, release, and there are oh so many more as the list goes on but I've ran out of brain cells at this time. what I'm trying to say is that the reason the engineers come out with so many bowling balls a month is because they are trying to make one suitable for all of the above conditions and when one gets out-dated they have to relpace it with something. So what, there may not be a ball that works for you but that doesn't mean that it doesn't work for others, what you call crap is another's one's treasure. (although my so called "treasure" usually ends up in the toilet). What annoys me the most when someone says the ball is "bad" or "good" because that is according to their prefrence, Am I right or am I right about that. So please do not diss a ball in generalization because it's not always true for everyone, I know a person who thinks his Maxim is "off the hook" and he's averaging 180 with that ball alone, not saying that is a wise decision but it works for him. so, yes, the Animal is crap for you, but is great for others. I have drilled 6 of them for 5 people (one got two) and they all love them, wow I feel like I'm going through a philosphy or something. lol and I'm 16 with a lot of knowledge. well let me know what you guys think. and by the way (this goes to wristec) I like to watch other people that throw similar to my bowling style with a ball that I am interested in that way will "somewhat" know what the outcome of the ball will do for me. tell me if you guys think I'm right or not