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Author Topic: Rule - Mini Review  (Read 3223 times)


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Rule - Mini Review
« on: August 09, 2004, 10:30:45 PM »
This is very premature but I wanted to write some inital observations about this ball.  My wife and I drilled up one.  Both my wife and I drilled ours 4.5" from the PAP, below the ring with the MB on the VAL (identical to her Animal and Havoc).  Mine was slightly offline with the CG so no extra hole was required. My wife's had a weight hole on the VAL.  Both left in box surface.  I wanted to see how it reacted before polishing.

This particular house is very easy, probably one of the easiest in the DC area.  They are very tapered with good but not overly strong backends.  36ft buffed to 40ft on Brunswick Anvilanes if I'm not mistaken.  WOW!!  This ball is strong.  I've never thrown a ball with this type of roll.  The ball just picks up in the midlane and just keeps coming.  Not a flip but a very strong arc.  The less I did to it, the stronger it got.  I didn't really have anything with surface to compare it to but I've never been able to stand this deep (37), get it this far right (7) and have it recover when they were fresh.  It really opened up the right side of the lane.   What was really impressive was how it reacted for my wife.  It easily outhooked her Animal and Havoc, and all in the backend.  The ball gets pretty good lenght out of box, but then once it starts up it just keeps coming.  Just a nice hard roll once it makes it change of direction.  My wife has never been able to swing the ball much at this house because of the length of the pattern but the Rule easily outhooked the Animal and Havoc.  The Rule gave her so much room right and her carry was excellent.  She just kept saying "I've never thrown ball like this".  It reacts to friction so strongly but without loss of control.  That's probably due to the surface.  I had plans on polishing mine but I'm liking it in box surface.  I would love to see the change of the direction this would make if polished and drilled to flip

Granted, this is not to say that the Rule can outhook the Animal on true heavy oil conditions.   But on conditions where there is some friction the Rule will react much stronger.  Her Animal was sanded with 500 grit Abralon so it's very possible that it was burning up.  But her Animal has been at various surfaces (box, 1500, 1000, 800) and she never got this reaction, especially downlane.  I will put all 3 at the same surface (1500 wet sand) and get a better comparison. I'll also put one of my Sheer Havocs at 1500 wet to compare.  We bowl league at another house Wednesdays where she has primarly been using her Animal so we'll get a good comparison then too.



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Re: Rule - Mini Review
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2004, 04:05:19 AM »
Indeed.If you know what you're doing, the room for error is like....half the lane !  

Hey Roy, are you referring to how "accurate" I was throwing the ball?
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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