First of all THANK YOU Rick for exploring this. Another example of you being a good ambassador for Track.
1)Would you like to have some hands on coaching time from Del/Brian/Gus?
YES, or even Rick

2)Would you like some classroom time to learn more about cores, mass bias and layouts?
YES, when possible learn from the best
3)Would you be interested in purchasing Track a ball at this seminar laid out personally by Del/Brian/Gus?
YES, currently waiting to buy a ball to see if this seminar happens

4)If possible, would you like to have your game analyzed on C.A.T.S. or another type of computerized system? *This one is a big maybe because I'm not sure if there is a center in the Chicago area that has this capability or service.
YES, not sure what this is but it sounds petty cool

On a side note I have probably two other people that would be interested.
Marsupials, scare me.....cause they're fast!!!!!
Edited on 5/19/2005 10:04 AM