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Author Topic: Choosing a strong ball for friend  (Read 4806 times)


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Choosing a strong ball for friend
« on: January 21, 2014, 03:24:21 PM »

I would like to have the input of some peoples here. A bowler friend of mine would like to have a new track bowling ball. He is picky on the ball he buy, dont know why , but he is. Is demand is always the same "Strong ball on heavy oil, Strong ball". I tried to explain to him it is not that easy to choose, but he is still asking me to search for the strongest ball. I choose him last year the 919C, he played maybe 5 games with it, he hated it because it was not hooking enough.
The one he is playing with now, I think but not sure, is the Robo Rule. He like that one a lot, but he had to sand the ball to the lowest sand paper available in the center (500 if I am right even after  saying he should not). He play around 13 mph with med/low revs.
The 910A seem apealing, should we go with that one. Would it be rated the strongest in track right now?



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Re: Choosing a strong ball for friend
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2014, 11:19:09 PM »
The problem I've had is the strongest balls seem to die and while cleaning and resurfacing helps it never gets back to new in box.

I ordered a 910A to get drilled up so I'll be able to review it some in 2 weeks, but I'm not planning on using it much until I hit a nice flat or sport shot which will be about 7 weeks from now.

I don't plan on the 910A being super strong, but I'm hoping since it is polished that I can keep it that way and get a nice strong stable ball that will not die. I don't know anyone that has a 910A to really know, but then again most people are sheep and follow what they see on TV or brands the proshop pushes.

However I would venture to ask whether that friend is actually bowling on heavy oil.  Some seem to think heavy oil ball will hook off the charts on dry lanes, but a medium oil polished ball would move more boards.  I would just buy a cheap older ball the proshop has (cheap since it is just older stock not because it is low performance) and see if they can drill it up to fit the bowler such as increasing the flare if that is what they want.  In the end accuracy is more important, but then again more hook might be fun and having fun is always good.


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Re: Choosing a strong ball for friend
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2014, 08:04:20 PM »
The 706c/a.......while it is not the strongest all in the world it has a huge back and reaction and if you were to add some roughness to the surface I bet you it would turn into a very strong heavy oil ball I have it out of the box surface as a matter of fact I believe I added an extra layer of polish by hand and I have it drilled with the pin about an inch above my ring finger with the center of gravity a touch on the negative side and it goes perfectly straight through the heads and once it reaches the back of the lane it makes a very angular and very strong move so I believe if I scoffed the surface then it would pretty much fit the description that you desire
Tattooer from baltimore
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Re: Choosing a strong ball for friend
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2014, 08:41:39 PM »
Rotogrip Hyper Cell


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Re: Choosing a strong ball for friend
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2014, 09:18:30 PM »
How about instead of buying a strong ball and slapping it with a 500 pad.... your friend learns to bowl.... there is not a house pattern in too many centers that require that much hook. Even tournament patterns are pushing it.

With that said, if he wants hook at his ankles then the Lx16 or 912T will be what he wants over a 910A. The 910A is an over/under ball on oil from what I've seen. It's a strong backending ball but if he throws the ball up the boards, he'll hate it as much as the 919C. The 706 C/A is nice for covering a bunch of different patterns, but strongest ball in the world..... Yea, Right.... it'll go 60 ft on heavy volumes and there are much stronger balls from other companies that'll leave track in the dust. For example, Hyper Cell, Sync, Mastermind, Reax, Pivot, and Ruckus Feud are all oilers that are what I would call strong in oil balls.
James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

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Re: Choosing a strong ball for friend
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2014, 10:49:13 AM »
Nobody said it is the strongest ball in the world. Read. I said it has a very strong amd angular backend and by reading how this guys friend is hard headed maybe he is looking for more snap than overall hook. Honestly I dont think he knows what he wants because if he cant get the aforementioned balls to hook enough than it is probably technique issues
Tattooer from baltimore
Throwing brunswick

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Re: Choosing a strong ball for friend
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2014, 11:33:54 AM »
13 MPH + low revs + 500 grit + house shot = puke. Does he ever move his feet, or does he throw a fit if his left foot isn't on the big dot?


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Re: Choosing a strong ball for friend
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2014, 01:56:46 PM »
Nobody said it is the strongest ball in the world. Read. I said it has a very strong amd angular backend and by reading how this guys friend is hard headed maybe he is looking for more snap than overall hook. Honestly I dont think he knows what he wants because if he cant get the aforementioned balls to hook enough than it is probably technique issues

My bad, overlooked the "Not". I agree. Would hate to be on the pair with his friend soaking up the pattern.
James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

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Re: Choosing a strong ball for friend
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2014, 01:57:23 PM »
13 MPH + low revs + 500 grit + house shot = puke. Does he ever move his feet, or does he throw a fit if his left foot isn't on the big dot?

James C. Jones
Orbdrillers Pro Shop Holiday Bowl
Chester, Va.

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Re: Choosing a strong ball for friend
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2014, 02:19:14 PM »
13 MPH + low revs + 500 grit + house shot = puke. Does he ever move his feet, or does he throw a fit if his left foot isn't on the big dot?

Stop, youre being mean.
NLMB 150 Dream Team

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Re: Choosing a strong ball for friend
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2014, 02:52:01 PM »
Sorry, I just know the mentality!


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Re: Choosing a strong ball for friend
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2014, 12:28:07 PM »
He has a 3 steps approach, but tattoo has pretty much point the thing I wanted to heard. Not the strongest in theworld but something that  hook strong at the end. He is actually a good bowler, just not to open on different ball reaction.

Thanks also for the ball name of other ball company, I will actually mention them to him to see.

Nice to bring some discussion on the board.


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Re: Choosing a strong ball for friend
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2014, 01:11:33 PM »
Get him something with a big backend, some people think that bowling balls hook potential need to be delivered on the amount of boards covered on the backend... Get him a Mastermind or Reax2 Pearl, if you get him something like a Hyper Cell, Sync or a Ruckus Feud the ball will be very very rolly on the heads and probably they will burn up even with the proper layout if he's not playing on the right condition. While the other 2 look more user friendly on different patterns.
Also you can check for some mid-high performance (Marvel Pearl, IqTour Fussion,Legacy, Yeti Untamed,AmpUp) , sometimes this balls retain energy better delivering more on the back because they do not have the big intermediate diff. Cores with low rgs and high differentials.
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