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Author Topic: Compare a Mojo to a Voodoo  (Read 1140 times)

Urethane Game

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Compare a Mojo to a Voodoo
« on: October 12, 2003, 09:37:47 AM »
I cuurently own a Mojo and I'm interested in hearing from those who have thrown both the Mojo and Voodoo.

I love my Mojo (drilled 5x5) but it tends to wiggle a bit on synthetics with carry down.  Would a Voodoo drilled in a similar fashion be effective with moderate carry down?  If not, perhaps a crunch with an arcy drilling?

Also, would there be overlap between the Mojo and Voodoo given the similar drillings?


Edited on 10/13/2003 0:46 AM

Edited on 10/13/2003 0:50 AM

Edited on 10/13/2003 0:54 AM


Sir Track a lot

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Re: Compare a Mojo to a Voodoo
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2003, 03:56:46 AM »
The VOODOO goes longer than the Mojo and flips(the first
100 games anyway).
It does not handle carrydown very well.
But it is a fantastic ball on fresh lanes with clean backends.
The Mojo has more overall hook than the VOODOO also.
The new Crunch Time looks a lot like Darkside wich is a dry/medium lane
ball with good lenght and awesome backend.
It has a pin reaction wich i have never seen before in a track ball.

Hope this helps

Sir Track a lot of Denmark