I was watching this post because I too have been suffering from the same thing. Midlanes seem to go after about 1 1/2 games. Moving WAY left ( like, onto the approach on the adjacent lane, and NO, I am not kidding ) and swinging the ball 40 boards was all that seems to be left for me after that.
I too have tried almost every ball I have, including my old urethanes and plastics, but they have not been the answer. I get the length I am after, but little on the backends due to the carrydown and leave 10's all night long.
I am SO tired of bowling. It used to be a relatively simple game where the playing field was pretty level. It still can be, IF you have the right ball at the right time, but it has gotten to the point where the options are almost endless and I don't have the money or the means to have 50 different balls with 50 different drills on them, hoping that I happen to have the "right" ball at the "right" time.
Has anybody come up with a combination of ball and drill pattern that is versatile enough to be used on a very wide set of conditions? One that will hook a little in the oil, but still clear a burned out spot without reading it and rolling out?
This isn't a wish to go back to the old days, but things WERE much simpler then. You had a limited set of options and everybody had to operate withing those. If the conditions got tough, they were EQUALLY tough for everyone, there was no "right" ball for some of those conditions, you just had to be able to outperform the competition, not out guess them and hope you got lucky.
If, by some miracle, someone has had any success finding something that seems to work on virtually all conditions, at least relatively well, please let me know. I am so disgusted that, after 24 years at this sport, I am ready to quit.