Try playing a wide swing inside. Throw the ball over forth arrow with a lot of speed and loft and swing it out to the 5 board. If the backends are toasty, the ball should have plently left to make it to the pocket.I used this 2 times in league when they decided to strip and scrub the backends before league, both pretty successful.
For this shot, you will need some kind of pearl to get the ball a lot of length and a strong core so that it still hits and still has energy and doesn't roll out. Maybe the x-ception would fit the bill here, or a crunch time.
Try throwing more of a spinner release. Should get the ball a little more length and reduce the overall hook.
Try getting a weak low-load particle, such as the hex-plosion from track, ebonite stinger low flare, etc. should help calm down the backends even more when playing this shot.
Both these shots have worked for me on toasty backends. I've used a messanger ti b/s/p and flash point, both strongish pearls, for the first shot and power-groove proactive for the second shot. Hope you have better success at your next bowling outting on toasty backends.