I feel that it is a combination of both.
You have to remember that RG is a static measurement and it does not take core shape into account.
For instance you could have 2 balls with identical RG numbers but one of them has short and fat core while the other has tall and skinny core.
The short/fat cored ball will rev up much earlier than the tall/skinny cored ball.
I used to pay more attention to the numbers but now I also take into account the shape (height/width) of the core.
Basically if you take a tall/skinny cored ball and drill it with the pin close to PAP you affectively turn it into a short/fat cored ball and vise versa.
Think of it like a figure skater when they do a spin they rotate rather slowly when their arms are spread because the have more mass that is farther from and perpindicular to the spin axis but when they pull their arms in they spin faster and smoother because more of their mass is centered and parallel to the spin axis. To add to that further, if the skater were to raise their hands over their head they would spin even faster because they would bring their mass closer to the centerline of the axis, this is strictly a matter of centrifigal force and leverage.
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