Track told me in a private email that the Crash AND the CrunchTime were both half solid and half pearl. (NOTE: They have different coverstocks!) I doubt the Crash has as strong a reaction as the Big Blue Pearl, a particle pearl.
The Crash is pretty flippy out of the box, more for medium-light conditions; the CrunchTime is more even, but makes a strong move out of the dry.
I'd try the Depth Charge or the Vendetta Particle Pearl. Be aware that the Dc has a super low RG; you might want to put the pin above the bridge/ring finger; The VPP has a more avg RG.
The Golden Nugget, also a particle pearl, based on the PK 17 coverstock, now discontinued and selling for much cheaper, is VERY continuous and a humongous pin mover (Thank you, Brunswick), although the core is not especially strong (Read: keep the pin within 4.5" of the PAP).
Edited on 1/6/2005 4:13 AM