Crunchtime is a pearl; Crash is a solid/pearl combination. It is not a solid.
I've had both; got rid of the Crash; bought a 2nd Crunchtime, to be drilled differently.
Crunchtime goes slightly longer with less flip, more even move at the backend.
The Crash's hitting power is average (almost mediocre) compared to the CT's above average pin moving power (similar drills and pin-CG distance). The CT also hooks more overall. Both handle similar amounts of oil, with the CT "apparently" handling slightly more.
This is with the box surface unchanged, on both balls.
I think a lot of this has to do with the very special (but plain looking core in the CT. I've liked almost every ball that Track has made with this core, even when I haven't owned it personally.
The Crash's core worked great in the Mojo and the VooDoo. I wish the Crash had the Titanium center nuggest like the Messenger Ti Series does/did. That might have made a big difference to the Crash.
"We get old too fast, and too late, smart."