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Author Topic: Beging For Help  (Read 1334 times)


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Beging For Help
« on: April 18, 2005, 04:59:59 PM »
Ok I have posted twice on here and idk what is going on but since posting the web page and pictures of the balls I use I have not gotten any infor back. Here is the link agian I need one of these balls to work on a double shot of head oil and dirty backends for my monday night league help me out please I am ready to give up this fun sport its really not work my fustration or hard spent money!



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Re: Beging For Help
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2005, 01:26:16 AM »
Well even with the pictures you aren't really providing a good deal of information that someone could use to help you.  You only state what one of the balls are and the pictures are not really good enough to tell what the other two are easily.  XXX Factor and Xception I presume?

IMHO none of these balls are good for sloppy lane conditions.  The fact that all 3 are polished doesn't help either.  Hard to get a decent reaction out of a ball that is going to skid through dirty (carrydown?) backends.  On top of being polished these balls aren't really drilled that aggressively.  If you have a normal track pin above and even with your finger layouts aren't going to get into a good roll on the slop you bowl on.

You can try to take the surface you use under the polish to a bigger grit, say 600 or so, or you can redrill the Rule with it's pin under your fingers and the MB kicked out to get some early revs and roll.  You could also try moving the pin closer to your PAP and leaving the MB closer to your thumb if you like.  First layout suggested is more for forward roll, and the second is a good control type layout.

On edit...  If that is a GP2 more surface might do the trick!
American beer is like making love in a canoe. It's f*cking close to water. - Monty Python

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Edited on 4/19/2005 1:21 AM


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Re: Beging For Help
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2005, 07:14:35 AM »
Hey Iceman,

The guys have offered some great advice.  I agree with taking down the cover on the GP2 and see what that has to offer on the heavier oil.  

Just to try and help you understand also, when you polish a high load particle, it's like covering your snow tires with snow so now the treads are no longer exposed to help you grab or create friction.  It "should" just roll very even and not do much, very similar to the reaction you're describing.

Try what Aus suggested, get back to us with your results and we'll try to help.
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Re: Beging For Help
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2005, 10:07:59 AM »
Thank you very much and I am sorry if I have came off with an attitude. Is there anything else I could tell you guys about my game to make you help me more? If so just let me know I will go to my coach and find out whatever you need. I clean the rule and all my equipment directly after I bowl every 3 game set. I only do this cause with the rule after having it for a month it was soaked with oil so much that you could see it in the weight hole. Clean N Dull is all I used on all these balls. I think I might need to get the rule totally resurfaced I think with all the tweaking that has been done to it the ball just is not right anymore. Someone has mentioned that I should consider moving the ping to above the ring finger is this something I should try? Last night my coach drilled me a vertigo and told me to try it at the lanes with the double head shot and dirty backends. I used the ball and I did not do so well I really was either pissed off cause of all the sideline stuff going on in that house and did not get enough on the ball. I was throwing like 17.9's to 18'5 last night and could not slow the ball down for anything. My coach was not there but I am sure that I was doing something wrong I am going to post pictures of the vertigo. Used that ball the night before on a clean shoot in the same house same pair of lanes and i was really looking foward to bowling monday night. The changes in the way the lanes are prepared are just out of control. Idk between spending all this money and now having to deal with the sideline crap i am ready to throw in the towel. The only problem with making the rule more aggressive is that I am worried it will burnout on me. The way the ball is drilled now it reacts like it just burns out in the heads. In my other posts i have hit on more keys to my game, sorry if i did not put them up on here. As to the question of why everything is drilled the same well the man who drilled the rule and the Exception is one minded or he just doesn't know any better or did it to put me at a disadvantage. As far as the Exception goes no it doesn't have a weight hole and i think its been checked not sure. I am afraid to used the ball you should see the pictures of the flat spots that the same guy has sanded into it. Thanks again for all the help and sorry if I came off with an attitude before.


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Re: Beging For Help
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2005, 11:08:10 AM »

from your posts, and going out to get a coach,  I see that you obviously are not ready to throw in the towel. You just need to move on and start fresh. Leave the old driller behind. I know of all your "sideline crap" as I ran into the same issue with the same ball driller. The problem I had was every ball I would take him to have drilled ended up having a rev leverage layout. I had no idea that this didn't work for me until I decided to test the waters and venture off to another pro shop (buddie's).

Chris took a look at all of my equipment. 4 out of 5 balls were drilled incorrectly. He fixed them and now the layouts on my equipment have all been fixed, and I'm bowling better than ever. I chalked it up to a learning experience

Don't let one bad pro shop turn you away from the game. Stick with the coach, have someone layout your equipment who knows your style, but also knows how to drill the equipment correctly.

just my two cents..... keep the change