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Author Topic: Crunchtime vs Throttle/R vs Thing Returns  (Read 728 times)


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Crunchtime vs Throttle/R vs Thing Returns
« on: January 19, 2004, 06:11:20 AM »
Looking to get back into a ball that is more skid snap with a more angular turn...something that will conserve more energy towards the end. I had an Ebonite Grey Wolf for years, not the strongest ball in the world, but I did well with a pearlized resin. Decided I might want to try more of an arcing style so I had a Voodoo and a Scream/R drilled up pretty similar to each other. They seem to compliment each other pretty nicely with the Voodoo covering med/heavy and the Smash covering the med/light end. Both are drilled with the pin just below the ring finger..(don't really know what to call the drill pattern)...and both have a pretty even arc. Well, after having these for a season and a half, I'm thinking I might like to get back into something with more length to it, and stronger on the back end. My buddy just bought a CrunchTime and really likes it. Our span is similar so I've thrown it a couple times and it seems like a decent ball. He gets alot more hand into it than I do so his drilling is a little weak for me, but I like the way the ball gets down the lane. Anyway, I've been reading good things about the Throttle/R and the Thing Returns also. Anyone have any opinions about these 3...maybe if they're very similar or what any major differences are? I'm looking at these 3 but am open to other suggestions....
My speed is average, my revs are average and I would consider myself reasonably accurate.....

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Never argue with an IDIOT...they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with EXPERIENCE!

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Phillip Marlowe

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Re: Crunchtime vs Throttle/R vs Thing Returns
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2004, 09:23:46 PM »
E.D.:  I have tried all three.

Everyone I know who has tried the Crunch Time has liked it - fairly clean and long with a very strong backend. (More like your Voodoo -- an all time favorite of mine.)  It seems to fit a wide variety of styles and conditions.

Almost everyone has liked the Thing Returns (my personal choice).  It is also  clean through the heads and midlane.  It is also good -- for a pearl -- through carrydown.  Although I find it to be quite a strong pearl, some folks have not found it as strong as they would like.  I also like the longevity of the coverstock.

The Throttle R has received mixed reviews.  Oh, it's long enuf, but for me, it was a poor coverstock/core match.  I couldn't get it to consistently turn the corner and create the angle I wanted with an allegedly strong pearl reactive.

I don't think you could go wrong with either the Crunch Time or the Thing Returns.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."

Edited on 1/19/2004 10:21 PM
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