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Author Topic: Delta 1 vs. Rule vs. Xception video  (Read 2731 times)


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Delta 1 vs. Rule vs. Xception video
« on: October 04, 2005, 06:22:10 PM »
Went to practice's a video comparing the three balls:

Rule Delta 1 vs. Rule vs. Xception

The Rule Delta 1 and Rule are drilled the same - pin under ring, mass bias in strong position - and the Xception is drilled with the pin above the bridge, mass bias in strong position.  Surfaces are as follows:
Rule Delta 1 - OOB - 900-grit
Rule - scuffed with green scotchbrite pad and finished with Clean N' Smooth
Xception - wetsanded to 800-grit, polished with LOTS of Magic Shine

Here are two more vids if you're bored and just want something to watch, lol!

Rule Delta 1 going high

Rule Delta 1 striking
Evolutionary. Revolutionary.

Edited on 10/5/2005 2:17 AM



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Re: Delta 1 vs. Rule vs. Xception video
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2005, 08:57:11 PM »
I can throw it over 6th arrow if you want  Down and in is NOT an option with this ball on a THS ... LOL!
Evolutionary. Revolutionary.


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Re: Delta 1 vs. Rule vs. Xception video
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2005, 12:09:56 AM »
I'm being critical, but you (or someone) threw the Xception 2 boards right of the other two. The Xception crosses the center arrow, while the other two cross between the center and fifth arrows. I suspect that explains much of the difference in reaction. Nice video, though.


If he would have thrown the xception down the same line as the delta 1 it wouldn't have made it back as much as it did.  Dude that isn't why there is that much difference in reaction.  The xception is a lot weaker on heavy oil compared to the delta 1.