Well, I've had the chance over the week to bowl in 3 different houses on 3 different conditions with this ball. It started last Thursday in my sport shot league on a 45' sport pattern on synthetic lanes (Brunswick Anvilane), then on Sunday I bowled in a scratch tournament on a heavier crown pattern (unsure on the length) on half wood/half synthetic lanes, and finally in my Monday night adult/junior league on a short oil THS.
The Havoc performed admirably on all 3 conditions- obviously I had to make adjustments as far as hand release and ball speed, but I was able to make it to the pocket on all 3 conditions and get a good look on the lanes with the Havoc. I liked the fact that on my Monday night league when the transitions hit, I was able to make subtle moves and not have the ball overjump off the drier portions of the lane- it still would make a steady arc to the pocket.
I would agree that this ball is stronger than advertised, and I easily use this ball to read the lanes if I'm going to a new house to see what is out there. It will remain in my main ball bag for months to come.