One of the pro shops that I go to just got in a bunch of new Bonanzas. We played the guessing game for about 1/2 an hour. (yes, I'm easily entertained) Some were easily recognizable and some were not. Some had weird weights and some didn't.
We found some that look like a robo rule, but without the MB marked. The owner drilled one up for himself and shot 70X with it on a night when he was sick and hurting. He said it performed just like his "real" robo rule. I drilled up one for myself and I'll see how it goes. Couldn't beat the price if it works out.
He also had some EPX's that had about a 1 inch pin. Pass. But, one of my team mates shot the lights out (for her) with one last week.
I wouldn't buy one without seeing it first.