Last night in league, I shot my second 700. It was a 756 series with games of 222,278 and 256. I used my Mutant Mania the entire night and oddly enough didn't have to move my feet a single board. I was able to play a nice belly from 15 out to 10 all night long.
I thought I was going to get the 300 in game 2. I started with the front 8, then in the 9th, I tried to control the ball and pulled it inside. Came in on the nose and left the 3-10. Spared that and then struck out. It felt good to have a big night like that. I really feel as though my game is making strides. Well 2 more weeks of league left to achieve my goal of 200+. After last night, I sit at 201, so hopefully I can maintain it.
"Do the chickens have large talons" - Napoleon Dynamite
Proud Member of "The Revolution"