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Author Topic: 3 ball arsenal for cranker/rev-dominant bowler  (Read 2293 times)


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3 ball arsenal for cranker/rev-dominant bowler
« on: August 15, 2005, 03:03:04 PM »
I'm starting a new arsenal for the upcoming season, starting with the Desert Heat.    

On the one hand, I'm considering an all Heat arsenal but wonder if there is enough seperation between the Heat and Blue Heat for decent versatility.  

On the other hand I'm considering the extreme bookend approach (Desert Heat and GP2 with anything you care for inbetween. DH-Slash-GP2 maybe.) but I'm afraid that I would never ever get to use the GP2.

Any suggestions or advice would be most welcome.

As a side note, for reference, on the heaviest oil I've seen in the area in the last year I matched up best with my Hex-treme drilled 4x2, played 4th arrow to break at 5 board.  Thus I am leary of Track's website claims on a balls intended condition.  It seems that every Track ball I get I can safely jack up the advertised condition one notch.  Does anybody else see that, or have I just been "lucky" so far in my ball selections?



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Re: 3 ball arsenal for cranker/rev-dominant bowler
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2005, 11:43:30 PM »

I love my 2 GP2's, but for you, I would steer clear of the GP2 for two reasons: 1) you describe yourself as "rev-dominant"....2) in the past year, your Hextreme was strong enough to handle the most oil you saw.

That being said, I think the Desert Heat is an excellent place to start.  After that, I would go for a Slash as your oil ball.  The Slash is generally very smooth and should be able to even out over/under situations for you, which would probably be magnified due to your rev-dominant game.  

Finally, I'd go with either a Heat, an Xception, or an Arsenal Angular, as any of the three should fit in between the Slash and the Desert Heat pretty well, and they would all give you good length and a strong backend.  The Xception will give you the most possible length and the strongest backend, followed by the Arsenal Angular, then the Heat, in my experiences with each ball.

Good luck with your purchases, and if you need any help laying out your equipment, give us some specifics as far as PAP, speed, rev rate, etc...and I'm sure one of our Track pro shop gurus can fix you up!
Jeff Voght
PBA Eastern Region Member


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Re: 3 ball arsenal for cranker/rev-dominant bowler
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2005, 12:24:24 AM »
I'd go with a Blue Heat over the Slash for oil handling capabilities because too much is always better than too little (in MOST cases ).  I really like higher-grit sandpapers and/or polish over lower-grit balls.  That's just my preference though.

You could also keep the Slash and try to add an Arsenal Aggressive in there if you can!
Evolutionary. Revolutionary.


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Re: 3 ball arsenal for cranker/rev-dominant bowler
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2005, 01:23:53 AM »
Thanks All, for the advice.

I think I will go Desert Heat-Heat-Slash as has been suggested and add a particle of some sort later.  I've got a Phenom covered in dust in the very back of my closet that can fill that spot in the meantime, but as the layer of dust can attest to, I'm not to worried about the heavy end any time soon.


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Re: 3 ball arsenal for cranker/rev-dominant bowler
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2005, 11:03:38 AM »
Depending upon what surfaces you bowl on I'd look at an Asymmetric core as well.

An option would be Xception instead of the Slash, with a little surface taken off the X, or an x5.0.  Just to add a little versatility to the symmetrics suggested.
Alot of rev dominant players in my area are having great success with a slightly dulled Xception as the 'strong' ball in that type of arsenal....

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Re: 3 ball arsenal for cranker/rev-dominant bowler
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2005, 11:08:52 AM »
As Bill points out, many people, even rev dominant people are having success with high end asymmetrical equipment. They key to what he said is hit the original X a little to knock the surface off. That is the reason why Del and team went out and is giving us a ball, the Delta, just like that. The Delta's surface is Goo LS pearl like the original X...Del had heard all of the stories of many people knocking the surface off and said...why not!

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460