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Author Topic: Drilled my Havoc today-----  (Read 2380 times)

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Drilled my Havoc today-----
« on: February 25, 2004, 07:40:25 AM »
I drilled it up, and then did not have time to use it on the lanes. I decided to put a leverage 3 3/8 PIN and placed the MB about 2 inches right of the thumb.

I have been hearing how strong this ball is, so I figured I would take advantage of it. If it is as strong as stated, then I think it could easily take the place of the Raging Inferno I have.

I was wanting to put this ball in my arsenal as my benchmark/start ball. I do not think that the layout will be too strong for me to use this in that position of the arsenal. If it does end up being too strong, I will apply some CLEAN N SHEEN to the surface and that would do the job.

Any thoughts? I will be posting my mini review tomorrow night.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Drilled my Havoc today-----
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2004, 06:16:24 AM »
Hey Ex,

I got a chance to use it in league wed nite and Midwest Cranker was dead on.  I'm getting almost the same reaction he did, VERY strong.  On med-heavy, it cleared the heads and mids easily but picked up tremendously hard on the backend causing this ball to arc very strongly, even almost snap.  The catch is, I have mine drilled at 4x2.75 mb (pin under ring) slightly past val, I expected it to be mellow but boy this ball still moves very hard.  This is only my 15th game with it and I'd still like to try it on a couple of different shots, I have to get out to a couple of other houses to finalize testing.  Hope this helps bud, interested to hear what you reaction you get too.  I may end up having to tame it some also, I was covering quite a few boards if I hit it some.
Rick Leong
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Re: Drilled my Havoc today-----
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2004, 08:01:04 AM »
I have been hearing how strong this ball is, so I figured I would take advantage of it. If it is as strong as stated, then I think it could easily take the place of the Raging Inferno I have.

I was wanting to put this ball in my arsenal as my benchmark/start ball. I do not think that the layout will be too strong for me to use this in that position of the arsenal. If it does end up being too strong, I will apply some CLEAN N SHEEN to the surface and that would do the job.

Any thoughts? I will be posting my mini review tomorrow night.

I'd be very interested in seeing your comparison of the Raging with the Havoc.
(No negatives or doubts implied by the above. I am genuinely interested.)
I haven't seen too many cases where a similarly surfaced and drilled resin replaced a particle (even a pearl, like the Raging), but anything is possibly in this wacky bowling world. I like the Super-Flex coverstock; it has performed very well for me in many of its variations and with many cores.

Is your Raging drilled in a similar manner?
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Re: Drilled my Havoc today-----
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2004, 08:17:11 AM »
I guess I don't understand why people are so suprised. This core dynamic came from the Angle of Evol balls of a few years back. I am pretty sure the cover is a slight tweak to the one used on the Messenger Traction. The cover is really good in med-heavy. The core was always pretty good. To me this is a medium priced benchmark ball that might be on the stronger side. You change the MB placements on this ball and you could cover a multitude of conditons with the right surface prep. I could see this teamed with a Crunch-Time being a real good 2 ball arsenal.

Edited on 2/26/2004 9:13 AM


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Re: Drilled my Havoc today-----
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2004, 08:26:29 AM »
I agree with charlest, I don't see the Havoc replacing the Raging Inferno.  Although the Havoc is pretty strong, it won't start up as early as the Raging.  The Power Plus solid, even with slight surface is still pretty clean.  The Raging has strong midlane with good recovery.  

It's a little too early to report on my Havoc, but right now it's pretty smooth.  Fearing too strong a reaction, I went with a slightly weaker MB (just below the thumb with a 4.5" pin, no extra hole (90* layout).  It overlaps my Crunch right now given the same cover and surface with the Crunch being stronger at the break.  However, the Crunch is 4.5", 45* with a hole on the axis.  They both cover about the same number of boards with the Crunch possibly covering 1-2 more depending upon the backend.  Hit's extremely well.


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Re: Drilled my Havoc today-----
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2004, 09:00:29 AM »
I agree with charlest, I don't see the Havoc replacing the Raging Inferno.  


That is not what I implied. I tried to head off assumptions like that by making the comment I did and writing it in italics. I don't know what will happen and that is why I am so interested. Excaliber is very explicit in what he does, how he drills and tests and on what conditions AND he compares balls. His reviews are a geat example of information we can all use and should be in a "Ball Review".


Although the Havoc is pretty strong, it won't start up as early as the Raging.  The Power Plus solid, even with slight surface is still pretty clean.  The Raging has strong midlane with good recovery.  

This also is what I would assume from the specs, but that assumption has proven to be inaccurate in too many cases, when the cover and  the core (and other variables) show the ball to be something other than what the specs show.

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Re: Drilled my Havoc today-----
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2004, 10:41:59 AM »

I haven't seen too many cases where a similarly surfaced and drilled resin replaced a particle (even a pearl, like the Raging), but anything is possibly in this wacky bowling world

To me, that implies that the Havoc possibly won't replace a Raging in which case I added that I didn't think it would either.  The italicized comments were before the above quote which is why I may have misunderstood.  I apologize for inferring something different.

I understand that Excalibur is very explicit in what he does (never even criticized his methods so I don't know why you mentioned it????) but I was speaking from personal experience and not just specs.  I've seen both in action by the same bowler on the same condition and I have experience with Brunswick's particle pearls and super-flex in the past.  Excalibur may come to a different conclusion, and he will post his reasons why which is good for the forum.  Then others can read the various points and draw their own conclusions.


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Re: Drilled my Havoc today-----
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2004, 10:50:03 AM »
You will cover a lot of boards with this ball.

Had a Nighthawk reactive drilled 3 X same mass bias!!!

Big amount of boards covered all the way down the lane.

And big hit!


1/2 the Nighthawk series(other part was the ceramaslam core) was covered by this powerring core, as well as all EVOs with Tweaks!  This is strong stuff!
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James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Drilled my Havoc today-----
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2004, 11:13:51 AM »
maybe it's my drilling. but the havoc is a good controllable ball that reads the midlane well and is good on the backend but is a med to light oil ball for me.

Mine is 5.25(pin) x 5"MB. with the pin 2.25" above midline.

that puts the pin in my ring and MB by my thumb, above it actually. I had a short MB ball.

I get a strong midlane and even backend. the surface is a little in between for me. not enough on the backend for fresh and to strong in the midlane for dryer. I'm sure a little polish on the dryer shot and it will rule. a few more revs and I can play a fresher pattern. but I'm learning to be a fluffer

I don't think it is an oil monster buy any means but it is one of the best balls I own. seeing the way the Core keeps the initial tilt though the heads has impressed me with track asymmetrical cores so I'm trying out an unleashed or two.

I threw this for 6 games last monday. league and a 9 pin to tap after.

the ball reacted better after the shot boke down. it had a strong continuous motion. My goal was faster and up the dry for the 9pin. If I threw with good speed and matching revs I buried the ball. but since 9 counts as 10, I was trying to stay light and avoid 4/9 splits. a few times I actually through it through the breakpoint because I put a little to much speed and less revs.

I think a more skid snap ball would have come back stronger. so This confirms in my mind that this ball is a great ball to read the lanes from. if it skates in the midlane you need a stronger earlier ball. if it hooks out in the midlane you need a longer ball.
the ball is playable on most house condition so it is a anchor in the bag in box if you want to carry 4 balls or 2 (1 spare ball).

I think it can be polished to make it more of a med-light ball. that makes for a nice 1-2 punch ball with a ball for med/heavy. add a plastic ball and this should cover most THS shots for 1st and 2nd shifts.

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"deserves got nothing to do with it."
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C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Drilled my Havoc today-----
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2004, 01:13:30 PM »
charlest, you are giving me the warm and fuzzies!!! I expect the Raging will still be a little earlier, but we shall see.

On a serious note, I am going to test the ball but the initial mini will only be of the games before I throw league, league games, and games after league. So a true review will be unable to be posted until I have put alot of games on the ball. At first, I will not be altering the surface before I have put atleast 10 games or so on the ball.

The drilling on the Raging is quite different. The pin is IN the ring finger, and the CG swung right about 2 inches. With the drilling differences, I see the Raging having much more in the backend, atleast a STRONGER backend move.

We shall see, just look for the mini review once I get home tonight.

Edited on 2/26/2004 2:17 PM

Edited on 2/26/2004 2:22 PM
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Drilled my Havoc today-----
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2004, 03:05:25 PM »
Omega, you'd be better off trying the AMF assymetrics if you like the Havoc.

The core is virtually the same as ALL the Evos(each tweaked slightly) and 1/2 of the nighthawks. Other 1/2 were the often copied ceramaslam core.  The ceramaslam was a higher rg amf core(symmetric) which was used on two tracks, Hextreme(not loved by all but by some) and the awesome Track Spell(loved by some).

Go to www.bowlingballreviews, AMF, Look up evo and nighthawk in discontinued and you'll see what I mean.

Look at Phenom Unleashed and you will see a great, but different core called morpheus.  Available at track since the Freak, all freaks, Phenom, all Phenoms now Animal.


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Drilled my Havoc today-----
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2004, 05:31:00 PM »
I am waiting to hear EX's review on the ball. Tenpinispro what bowling alleys do you bowl at and where is the proshop you work/go to ?


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Re: Drilled my Havoc today-----
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2004, 05:58:00 AM »
Hey MC,

I own and operate the shop in Alameda, Ca.(see profile).  Used to be the first stop of the winter tour in the mid 80's(ARC Mel's Bowl).  I shoot at a couple of local bay area houses out here in Callie, named Diablo Lanes and Castro Valley.

You were dead on about this ball bud, it moves quite a bit.  Very interesting though, I'm seeing (based on others reviews here) that this ball is very receptive to the different drill patterns.  It seems like if you drill it weaker, it responds weaker and if you drill to pull up, it does exactly that.
I don't hit the ball anymore and I'm still getting a very strong response from it.  I was expecting less, that's all.  I was on staff with Del during the release of the NightHawk/Menace/Evols and the closest reaction to this was maybe the Extra(particle).  It's a lot of ball for the price, that's for sure.
Rick Leong
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