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Author Topic: Drilling on the Phenom Unleashed  (Read 1516 times)


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Drilling on the Phenom Unleashed
« on: February 22, 2004, 06:01:04 AM »
Alright here is my reveiew of this ball and a question all in one. First off I have been back into bowling for about 2 years now. I used to bowl alot when I was younger. MAN, have things changed! I am a cranker with high revs and throw the ball around 16mph. I have been using storm balls since I started bowling but I was impressed with the way track balls hit. The ball is drilled with the pin under the ring finger cg in the middle of my span and hand with the mass bias kicked out right of the thumb and the cover is high polished. All I can say is this ball hits like a truck! It carrys just about everything. Unless I get around the ball to much then I tend to leave tens. I play out and in, not sure on the board #s though. I will say that the ball is very forgiving, if I get it a little to far out it makes it back and if I pull it, it tends to hold pretty well. The way this ball is drilled it goes long for me and makes hard left at the backend. I am very impressed with this ball, and it is a good compliment to my eraser blaze.

However I ran into a little problem, after using the ball for about 3 weeks the bridge cracked! I called up the guy who drilled it for me and he replaced it no problem! Now when I picked up the new one, it was drilled up a little differently. This time the ring is still below the ring finger, but the cg is kicked out to the right in the middle of my span, and the mass bias is below the thumb. The cover is once again highly polished. Now my question is, this going to change the way the ball hooks, is it still going to go long and turn left at the backend? Or will the ball be about the same? I appreciate any input anyone has, and thnaks for reading my review!




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Re: Drilling on the Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2004, 07:35:05 AM »
Hey Eric,

If I'm picturing this correctly, the main difference is that the mb is below the thumb on the replacement vs next to it like the old one?  If this is the case, it should take the ball a little longer before it hooks back being that it is now further away fom your PAP.  Based on your revs though, you should still be fine.  Hope this helps some...
Rick Leong
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Re: Drilling on the Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2004, 05:57:52 PM »
Yeah, thats correct.  The MB is now below the thumb instead of kicked out to the right.  I appreciate the input!  I wasnt sure and my neck has been kinked up so I havent had a chance to throw it!  But I will say thats one heck of a ball.  Thinking about getting the Havoc next.  Do you know anything about that ball?



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Re: Drilling on the Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2004, 02:14:46 AM »
Hey Eric,

I just drilled the Havoc friday and threw it one game in league(too dry).  Ended up using it Sunday at a 8 gamer(tough reverse), I got the last check(-47) and even Wayne Webb was there, finished 5th(-2).  Anyway, the premature read on this ball and I don't like discussing about balls until I've tested them on more conditions and more games, is that it hooks.  It moves a lot more then I expected and I drilled mine 4x3mb slightly past my val.  Still a little too hard to tell because the shot was so reversed, the more left I went, the faster left the ball went also so I couldn't get that good a read on it.  I'm going to play with it some more and will put up a post on it when I'm done testing, thanks.
Rick Leong
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Re: Drilling on the Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2004, 08:19:41 AM »

I had a chance to throw my new Unleashed with the new drill pattern.  Alls I can say is that I am very disappointed!!!  Ball just slides, no left turn like the previous one.  I ended up going to my Eraser Blaze lastnight cause I couldnt get the Unleashed to come in past the 3 pin.  Now I dont know what to do!  I liked the last one alot, bud this one seems to be a dud!  I called my guy up who drills them for me and he said to try sanding it, but in past experiences sanded balls dont work well for me.  So now Im kinda in a bad position, I ran into this once before with a Icon.  Anybody have any thoughts on what I should do?  Do you think the ball should be replaced?  Thanks for any input!



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Re: Drilling on the Phenom Unleashed
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2004, 12:59:30 PM »

Sorry to hear you couldn't get the same reaction and you're positive it's the same shot as you've been bowling on also as before?  A light scuff to bring down surface isn't a bad idea but if this doesn't work, then I would suggest that you speak to your driller in regards to plugging it and try to swing the mb closer to your val in hopes of getting the old reaction back.  I was basing my theory on Tracks guide for ball reactions where they even allow for a little variance to get the same ball reaction.  You may however have just crossed that line in reaction.  If you don't want to sand it or plug it, I'd request a replacement.  Personally, I would do it as it is policy in regards to my customer service procedures.  Hope this helps...
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Vise Grip Staff

Edited on 2/26/2004 2:16 PM
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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