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Author Topic: Dry Heat  (Read 2247 times)


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Dry Heat
« on: February 08, 2004, 04:34:46 AM »
I really don't have much new to say here. I wanted a ball with a relatively small amount of hook on fresh lanes with hooking backends. This is not a dry condition. There is plenty of head oil. I had it drilled about 4.5 by 4.5. It gets excellent length but then makes a huge move in the last 5 feet. It's hard to keep in the pocket and has too much entry angle to carry well. This is a common problem for me, but I didn't expect it with this relatively weak ball. I'm thinking of taking the side weight from .5 positive to .5 negative and making surface changes. I want less hook overall and a more even reaction off of the dry. It's way too strong off of the dry so far.
I don't know how Track can market this as a dry lane ball. It does get good length but it is just vicious off the dry boards.
How can I mellow this puppy out?

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Re: Dry Heat
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2004, 09:32:37 PM »
Hi Louie,

Based on your profile, it would then mean you're throwing 2 handed now, no thumb, correct?  If so, your revs are too strong to your speed and unfortunately, you would be able to hook any ball in the condition mentioned.  The stacked layout is also too strong for no thumb.  Please post your PAP if you know it and I can help suggest something, I already have something in mind but I'd be more comfortable in knowing more facts.  Thanks.
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Re: Dry Heat
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2004, 09:44:19 PM »

In his profile, he states he has a 6 1/4 x 1/2 inch down for a pap.  My suggestion, is to either plug and redrill, putting the pin 6 inches from his PAP and his MB in a weaker position, or maybe trying to dull up the finish of the ball, maybe 600 wet sand surface to the ball.  That may help keep the ball from being so jumpy off the dry and smoothen out the reaction.  What do you think?

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Steven Vance
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Re: Dry Heat
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2004, 10:05:10 PM »
I really don't like to plug the ball if I can help it. I was considering dulling the surface and deepening the weight-hole to help the ball burn off some energy. The ball has just over a 1 inch pin and 3.25 oz of starting topweight and is drilled stacked with the pin an inch or so right of thumb and a small weighthole on Pap. I know I drilled it kinda strong, but I wanted it for fresh not for dry. I thought this was a weaker ball but this puppy hits the pins with force!! It's just too much for me. I didn't expect this much backend with the short pin and a ball called the Dry Heat. I just expected it to go long and arc, but it goes long and tries to jump onto the lane left of me.

I am still no-thumbing and really have too many revs for my speed (about 16 mph) and a really high inverted track. I seem to bowl best with some carry-down or longer oil present because I get through the heads fine but need something to hold my ball back the last 10 feet.

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Edited on 2/8/2004 11:04 PM

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Re: Dry Heat
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2004, 10:11:47 PM »
My PAP is about 6.25 inches over and half an inch down. will have a problem with just about any ball with your stats. and style.  A shiny surface just accentuates the back end on any ball.  The Dry Heat works fine for most on a broken down condition if used on the right condition it shines.  I would NOT use it on fresh heads and flying backends.  It's all about controlling the backend in my book.  Try something with a sheen finish that you can control as a strike ball then possibly use the Dry Heat on a more broken down condition with some carrydown.  



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Re: Dry Heat
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2004, 10:30:12 PM »
Well my solution is to sell it !!
let me know how much you want for it ??
just message me
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Re: Dry Heat
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2004, 12:39:31 AM »
Hi Louie,

Thanks 2 Hand, not reading clearly, got a fever.  Anyway, TwoHand's recommendation is very similar to what I was thinking, pin under mid finger cg kicked out right (about a 6x5, no mb TH) but since you don't want to plug it, this changes it quite a bit.  A couple of different ways, one is to sheen it as that would keep reaction a little more steady and even.  Another way I've gotten a ball very long is to Haus it to 1200(white pads), then Tec-Shine(Col product, very thick) it and high gloss, go ahead and also drill out any positive statics if you want.  Hope this helps some...again, you'd be able to hook almost anything with your revs at that speed.

For TH and Louie, do you guys bowl similar to Osku?  Is this a typical two handed release?  Never really seen it thrown effectively until today...just curious.  Thanks.
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Re: Dry Heat
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2004, 01:27:36 AM »
I don't 2 hand. I just put my fingertips in the ball and cup it in my palm. I only use my left hand for support before I start my approach.

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Mr Track

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Re: Dry Heat
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2004, 07:54:15 AM »
hey louie,

how bout a little surface adjustment before you pay $30 or so to plug up your ball.
600 grit wet sand alone is too much surface.  I use 600 for my heavy oil balls.
I would suggest starting from a 600 wet sand, and move up to 1500 grit wet sand(600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1500)...6 sided sanding, along with your initial track.  that way, the ball is even, and the smooth surface will mellow out the ball completely.  if it's still jumping a bit in the backends, use a delay polish(neo tack control-it, delayed reaction).
Excaliber suggested this for me for drier lane conditions and it worked GREAT!...I was gonna drill a negative ball, good thing i didnt!
I also did this exact surface adjustment to one of my customer's Dry Heat.  He was happy.
let me know if you have any questions.

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Mr Track

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Re: Dry Heat
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2004, 11:14:12 AM »
I threw this ball too and I don't think its a dry lane ball at all so I want to know why Track markets it as one I had the same results as Louie.  Tenpinpor it would probably be better if you just admit that its not a dry lane ball instead of trying to make it one.  Louie I would suggest selling this ball and getting one from a company that really puts out dry lane ball when they say they do.

Track markets this ball as the dry lane ball according to thier current products.  It wasnt much of a success to DRY lanes as compared to other companies...i would agree!
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Re: Dry Heat
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2004, 12:42:38 PM »
I'm going to sheen the ball and drill out the side weight.
I'll update.

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