I have to agree with a couple points made. First off....yes. Track is starting to release too many balls at the same time. I remember when you had to wait 4-6 months for a company to release a new ball to the market. The ball companies are only hurting themselves when they do this, because they are not trying to get the most amount of sales from one ball before they release another. Example: I have heard that the Phenom is a great ball. So instead of selling that ball for a longer period of time, they decide to release the Unleashed only a few months later which takes away from the popularity of the Phenom. The second thing, is that they do need to release a couple more resins. They have PLENTY of particle; more than enough. The release of the Crunch and Crunch Time was a very good start. They could use something with less hook potential than the Crunchs (and not a limited edition) and something with more hook potential. One of the reasons I like Visionary; they only released 3 balls all year I believe, 1 particle, 1 urethane, and 1 skid/flip resin. I do not think that Visionary is hurting right now, either. I could be wrong on that, but I believe that may be true.
If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!