I have a pair of 300's with Track balls.. One with a Code Red SE, which I still keep in my bag, and the other with my Mutant, which I am still considering getting rid of. I have just never been able to do much with the ball unless it's a VERY specific shot. I originally got the ball for floods, drilled it up for that and everything. I quickly found out that my Freak is still a better ball for the heavier oil, but still not quite good enough, so what I was left with was a pair of medium oil balls, except, the Freak covered more of the medium than the Mutant did. When I shot 300 with the Mutant, I was just playing around, so I guess that it was rather fortunate. I'm sure that in the right hands, on the right condition, it's a wonderful ball, but for me, it was a flop.