Using my Artillery on the Cheetah is a little too much ball (1000 abralon). I always end up standing on 28 and throwing over 12-13. I'm thinking that the Equation drilled for length (like 5 x 5 1/2, long pin) would definitely provide a better reaction and overall a better match-up for the pattern, being that it's a pearl. I've asked a few guys I know and they seem to agree with this big "ooh, yeah - let's try that out, man" grin.
Then another part of me thinks that it will be REALLY strong on the Cheetah, so my other option is a Solution PPEX (drilled the same way). I know that it overall won't hook as much, and it still has that skid/snap reaction the Equation has, so it may work too, but I also know that at this stage, I don't want BOTH, or, for that matter, another ball under it, like a Desert Heat. So my question for you guys is, which ball would benifit better in my situation? Which do you think I would be most pleased with? I can manage with the AA, and might even want to take it up to 4000, so that I can use it on house and the Cheetah at the same time, but if I were to buy a new ball, what would you suggest.
Also: Are any of you guys exclusively throwing Track equipment right now starting to look over into Ebonite's line of balls, or Hammers, or even Columbia? And, do you think that there will be any bowlers on television this season throwing a mix of Hammer, Dyno-Thane, Track, and/or Columbia equipment now that they're technically under the same parent, Ebonite?
Edited on 7/23/2007 7:19 PM