I threw the Track Equation alongside my Hammer Raw Doom today.
They are both in box condition.
Hammer Raw DoomTrack EquationThe EQ is about 4 boards stronger than the RD, and a bit more angular on the back end. EQ gets through the heads and mid-lane easily. I kept moving in, and when I got into about 18-20 board the RD could not turn the corner. The EQ could make the move on the back-end, as deep as, 20-22 out to about 7-8 board.
I was bowling on a chopped up open bowling condition.
The EQ rolled through the carry down and slop that was out there, while the RD squirts a little. I like the separation in reaction, between the 2 balls.
I'll see how the EQ works in league tomorrow night, which is a tad oilier. (The house runs the heads before league, no strip.)
Seemed like I could get a little more hand into the EQ, as I added 1/4 reverse pitch to the the thumbhole. Went from 1/4 reverse to 1/2 reverse, as an experiment. Experiment was successful...I like the feel, thumb clears the back of the thumbhole better upon release. Gained a few revs to boot, which I needed.
I have a very good feeling about this ball.
Duke Harding
"A Great Bowler thinks only of what's in Front of Him."
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