Hey jody,
As D Pat quotes me, "it don't matter"...male or female is irrelevant to a layout. It simply matches to a bowlers speed, tilt, angle of rotation, rev ratio to speed and pap. Laying out a ball for Michelle Feldman is the same as for "any" cranker...

Depending upon her pap, with the mb just right of thumb may have been too far from pap to help the block get started and to turn over well. I agree with your thinking, keeping the mb in the stronger position should allow her to have more recovery down lane but I highly advise to find her true pap first before laying out the ball. If she has a high tilt for instance, even with the mb next to thumb may have been sitting 6+ inches away from pap and 6 inches is too far away to help the weight block get started. If you can find the pap, feel free to pm me and I'll do my best to help you out bud, thanks.
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
Track Intl. - Amateur/Pro Shop Staff
Vise Inserts Staff
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