Might as well get all my equipment questions out of the way. The Hexplosion is a steal on some of the websites out there and I will be planning on picking one up asap. The balls I really want out of my arsenal are my eraser blaze and my thrash. Blaze because I hate it, thrash because it's drilled differently than all my other stuff and well I just want a new ball...Anyway thrash is in box condition and drilling, pin is a good bit under the bridge, almost inbetween the two finger holes, I really have no idea exactly how it is drilled, Mineman layed it out for me 2 years ago when I was completely clueless to drillings so I will just say it that it has quite a bit of length but still turns on the backend, not quite a snap, but a very strong arc. Usually can never throw it straight up the boards which is my comfort zone. Would the hexplosion be a good replacement piece, being smoother than the thrash with a little less hook maybe, I'd like to keep the length though. Does this sound logical or should I look elsewhere?
-If you're not willing to change, you're not willing to improve.
-Life is like a coin, you can spend it any way you want, but you can only spend it once.
-I will forever love this great game, I love the people and the competition, I only wish the best would get the recognition of an ATHLETE that they deserve.