Hey fellas I threw the rule a few times, one on synthetic and the other on wood. The first game the ball moved pretty descent. Up ten it stormed through the pocket but I had to give it a little swing because it was jumping through the headpin. As the games progressed it started moving too much. I shot 229 with it first game, and first time throwing it. The next time I threw it was on the wood and there wasnt alot of oil out there. It was too strong for ten and swinging it, it didnt seem to react correctly. I assume it was burning up or something. I cant wait to throw it on a heavier shot to see how it will react on wood but I like it so far. Even with the rev hammer left of the thumb it seems to move pretty descent. I dont do a whole lot of cranking the ball, but im told im some what of a spinner a little bit, but not that much, my ball driller says I figure eight the ball in my backswing if you guys know what that means. Now that is only when I have my wrist cupped. I also threw the ball with my hand flat and it moved pretty good. So we will see.