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Author Topic: finally thru my machine  (Read 1462 times)


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finally thru my machine
« on: May 03, 2007, 09:46:41 AM »
well i drilled it up just like my solutiom hoping to have the same ball motion in a more aggressive ball. what i actually got was the same ball with a different name. So as if being dissapointed by thinking i was getting a mean machine and then getting the machine wasnt enough,now i am daced with having a ball that is just like my solution and not much different than my phenom unleashed either.
    I asked you guys and the few replies i got said that the machine was a stronger ball. It is a good ball and maybe a little stronger at the deck , but i basically play the same line with it as i do my solution and phenom. A tap with the solution is the same tap with the machine. Every change i made with one i made with the other and the only difference to me is the machine is a darker green. 90 bucks later i have another ball to take up space in my basement. Oh well you live and you learn.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling



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Re: finally thru my machine
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2007, 10:12:37 PM »
So, this ball is the same as your Solution?  What condition were you throwing it on?  There are different ways to describe "stronger" and it doesn't mean the ball is going to hook out of the building over another one.  Have you tried it on a sport pattern?  The Machine is going to handle more oil than the solution.  Tap?  Describe what your "tap" is.  Are you whiffing the 6 around the 10 or are you leaving flat 10's?  The Machine needs oil.  The Machine is asymmetrical the Solution isn't.  The ball is going to have different characteristics on different lane conditions.  Sure the ball may be like your Solution, it may also be just like a Desert heat too.  There is a BIG difference between the Machine and a Solution.  There is a BIG difference between a Mean Machine and a Machine.  It's the lane surface and conditions.  It's like comparing apples to oranges.  It just isn't the same.


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Re: finally thru my machine
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2007, 10:43:33 PM »
the only comparisons thatmatter to me are the lane conditions i intemnd to use the ball on. Is the ball different enough to warrant using on what i see, no. Is the ball as strong as my no mercy,no,did i need to drill this ball no. get upset all you want ,the ball isnt ,to me ,what i wanted or needed and imo it is no better than my solution. Shot for shot on the same condition. Flat 10 ringing 10 weak 10, you name i left it. I probably wont carry it as a heavy oil ball,or even a medium oil ball.those spots are covered. If you read my post i didnt buy the machine ,i thought i was getting a mean machine and got stuck with this one.No its not a hok monster,no its not a carry king either,but shot for shot on a ths this ball isnt enough to warrant me replacing my solution ,or anything else i have ,with it.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling


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Re: finally thru my machine
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2007, 12:40:05 AM »
I have a machine here - nib - I was thinking of drilling it but had no time yet... so I guess this ball needs very big care taken into layout (from whatI have seen around here and where I bowl) maybe the BC-locator was placed a bit .... let's say "unfortunate" ....

What layout is on the ball
How are you bowling
Got a picture
Where is the track and how much does the ball flare compared to your Solution?
"Have fun and bowl well!" - Grayson

Machine NIB
2x Radical Inferno NIB
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and by the way... I am a "Fritz" a "Jerry"... I am from Germany! (And please don't call me Kraut! Cause then I call you Dumbarse)


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Re: finally thru my machine
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2007, 12:25:50 PM »
Hey toomany,

I just saw that this was your Solution EX you're referring to.  I get this same reaction on my house shot because it's a little wet/dry.  We tend to see a similar reaction on this type of shot because the oil pattern forces us to play the breakpoint (dry or friction area) at basically the same distance down lane.  When that happens, our reactions look similar with different pieces.

My suggestion for you to see if we can get a difference in reaction is to knock off the shine on the Machine some.  This should help get it into a sooner roll compared to its OOB finish.  Your 10 pins from both balls sound like the oil line was a little too heavy for either ball to be used at that time with their current coverstock prep.  10 pins are still a sign of deflection but if we can get the ball into a better mid lane read, we will get a better backend reaction.  Just thought I'd try to help since you want to put this piece up....
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop  
Vise Inserts Staff
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*El Presidente of the Track Legion

Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Re: finally thru my machine
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2007, 12:59:09 PM »
i havent put the machine away yet .I am going to work with it this summer. One thing i have noticed is that i am able to throw the machine with more speed than the ppex and with less hand. This would lend one to believe that the machine is the stronger of the 2. The machine works for me very well from the outside playing up the boards and letting the ball walk back to the pocket. It carries best with this line. when i swing it is when the taps come.Down and in with the hand straight up the back,thats where it shines for me.Unfortunately for me I have a veritable bridge of balls that do the exact same thing. My epic,phenom unleashed and machine are so close its sickening. I probably could use them based on what color pants i was wearing. The epic has more overall get back potential,the phenom carries like a beast,unless there is carry down and the machine i can play straighter with good confidence that it will make it to the pocket without much overreaction.I can score with any of them its just a matter of reading the lanes and picking the right ball for the lanes or the shot i want to shoot. the machine is a good ball ,but i really didnt need it.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling


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Re: finally thru my machine
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2007, 08:24:17 AM »
Hey toomany,

I forgot to ask one question, how did you drill this ball (what layout)?  Your description of the various balls looking similar could also be relative to your style and how the pieces are drilled.  

Try and make sure your pin and mass bias placements are placed accordingly to the strength of the balls to help see more separation.  What I mean is that if you take the Unleashed and drill pin and mb in a weak position while your Machine is drilled in a stronger position, this may also bring the 2 balls close in reaction.

Just a good point of reference for everyone. When we take a strong ball and drill it weak, we don't want to drill the weaker ball strong because that can place reactions possibly too close for us to see enough separation between the two pieces.  Hope this helps explain some....
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop  
Vise Inserts Staff
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Tag Team Coaching - Co-Founder

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*El Presidente of the Track Legion

Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Re: finally thru my machine
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2007, 07:35:32 PM »
If you were throwing on a THS both times, it is likely that you would get the same reaction because the oil is layed out that way.  The Machine is stronger than the Solution.


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Re: finally thru my machine
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2007, 12:35:54 AM »
i honestly must say that the machine is undeniably stronger than the solution. Maybe as much as 10 boards depending on how its thrown. And thats what i was hoping for. I still havent shot any real score with it but i am sure its right around the lane condition. So to anyone I argued with on this point i was wrong and i am sorry.

my style, the art of bowling without bowling