It didnt take me long to see that this ball has serious potential. I brought an Action Max and the Equation in last night to punch up. After about 3 hours in the shop, it was time to bowl. Luckily, the front desk held the fresh pair of lanes that I had opened up for myself 3 hours before hand.
We decided to drill it 4x2 with a weight hole to bring the ball back to legal. Throwing over a surprisingly oily THS, this ball had no problem wanting to come back. Obviously it didnt cover as many boards as my Max did, but I can tell that it will do exactly what I want it to do...cover boards when the shot starts to really break down, or when there's a medium to medium/light oil down on the lanes. Throwing up the 1 arrow, this ball would still come back strong and hit brooklyn side, forcing me to move in more than I had expected to with the ball, but thats okay. While it doesnt hit as hard as the Max, it does hit a ton. Even when I missed the pocket, the pin action on this thing was crazy..I would hit the 4 and 7 pins only to find the 1 and 3 pin left standing after all the pin action was done. I will bowl more with it today and hopefully find a proper line to bowl as I was using the Max for 2/3 of the time last night...still gotta work out these thumb holes =)
As for my first Track Ball, I'd have to say, if PA is using this stuff on the tour this season, TJ and Barnes better watch out!
Bowling Since March 2006 - "Get coaching, don't worry about it"...blah blah balh...Just answer the questions please
Action Max
Track Equation
Spare Ball
Radical Inferno
Hammer Raw Pain
Turkey Adobo (Me and my friends' bowling site)
http://turkeyadobo.multiply.comEdited on 8/23/2006 9:24 AM
Edited on 8/23/2006 9:26 AM