I was having myself another practice session and I feel I'm coming out of this slump! It is always good when you fire good scores in practice and when stuff is on the line...got my Crunch Time from Steve (REV_O_LUTIONS) and found it that before it was drilled it was a 16#, it was 15 lb 12 oz after drilling...which suited me, I noticed better carry with the Crunch Time due to the one pound increase which pleased me very much! I also had the Machine scuffed with a grey scotch brite to see what it would do, results so far are good! Will post an update after a few games have been put on it with this surface! Also, I broke down and purchased another X-Ception 5.0 (GASP!) I'm sure after everything bad I've had to say about this ball that some of you may actually be shocked! However, we drilled it with a Pin Below Ring Finger layout (Specs and Video Coming Soon!) and to my surprise, this ball checked up nicely and hit the pocket really hard! I have also decided to bowl in the Strawberry Bowl Tournament down in Birmingham tomorrow as well! Taking only 5 with me, I feel this should suffice for me!
Robo Rule, Machine (Scuffed), X-Ception 5.0, Crunch Time, and Desert Heat
That pretty much covers the variety of conditions I believe I'll be expecting tomorrow! Well, figured I'd let you guys know whats been happening as I have not posted as much as I usually do! God Bless You All and have a great week!
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