The lane conditions I threw those shots on was:
36ft buffed to 44ft, heavy in the middle out to 10 board, then it tapers out to the gutter. So it is pretty dry outside of 6board.
I also suggest the Slash for a benchmark ball. It reads the lanes very well and does not overreact off of the dry boards and is very smooth through the middle of the lane.
The Heat is good for medium conditions, but it requires fresh backends. It has a difficult time recovering if it is kept too far into the oil. VERY good ball for most house shots. It was not out when I went to Nationals this year, but I think it would have done quite well on the shot in singles and doubles when the heads started to go.
The Aresenals are very good balls. That shot where I mentioned I could have used the HEAT at nationals I ended up using the Arsenal Angular. Think of it as a similiar reaction to the original Inferno, only I feel that the Angular is a bit more predictable off of the breakpoint.
Arsenal Aggressive is the ball I have used the most out of anything I currently have. The Aggressive gets a good read in the mids and a strong arc on the backend. I have mine sanded to 2000 grit, so it gives a similiar reaction to the Slash, on much stronger.
I hope this helps,
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio
Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff